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This was terrible. I didn't want to cheat on Lacey, it just kinda happened... I got a little drunk on my birthday and I kissed Rylee, I thought she was Lacey but when I opened my eyes I realized I fucked up. I didn't really feel the guilt that people talk about, so I leaned in again and we kissed once again...

Rylee is just so beautiful and I wanted to see what it was like. But because of my wrong doing, I lost my loving girlfriend. We just had our 2 year anniversary last week.

I heard the door creep open; I turned around and noticed Rylee standing in the doorway with dry eyes.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." She said. Rylee walked over and sat next to me on my bed. "So, Lacey broke things up, I see?"

"Yeah." I whispered and looked down. "Did Taylor hear anything?"

"Everything." She replied.

"So, are we gonna be together?" I asked Rylee, not exactly sure of what is supposed to happen now.

"Well, only if you want to... I don't really see the problem with us being together. But I am moving in with my sister hopefully, I don't know if she'll let you stay though." Rylee shrugged.

"I think we could try it, I could always just stay at the duplex with the other guys." I said, smiling. She leaned over and kissed me! I was surprised. But, I guess we are dating now.

I laid back on the bed, with Rylee on top of me. I knew it was wrong but it felt right.

(I'm going to make "Jack" be Gilinsky and then "Johnson" be Jack J)

I was sitting at the computer table in me and Karlee's room. I was watching little videos that we would make when we were bored.

Karlee was sitting on my lap and I was sitting in the chair. My arm was wrapped around her stomach and she was on her phone as I rested my head on her back. I was looking straight at the camera and just making stupid faces.

I started laughing and then heard the door creak open. I turned to see Karlee.

"What are you watching?" She asked, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm watching us being stupid." I chuckled.

"I remember that day." She giggled. "I remember it perfectly." She smiled, looking at me. It was the day that we decided to lose our virginity to each other. {well that's nice}

"You were wearing a purple Nike sweatshirt and black sweatpants. Then you threw your hair up in a messy bun and had no makeup on. You were so cute." I told her. We interlocked our fingers together and I grinned, leaning in to her face.

"Are we going to reenact this perfect day?" Karlee smirked. I nodded and stood up from the swivel chair.

We laid next to each other and took our clothes off. I unhooked the back of Karlee's bra as she removed her underwear. I slipped out of my boxers and stood off to the side of the bed.

She smirked, knowing what to do next. She took me in her mouth and started to bob her head. Her tongue trailed over the tip and I moaned. I grabbed the back of her hair and she started going faster.

I twitched and came in her mouth. She smiled and laid back on our bed. I grabbed a condom out of my nightstand and slipped it on. I hovered above Karlee and entered her.

"Oh my god, Jack." She groaned. Karlee bucked her hips a bit and I began going faster.

I leaned over her and started going harder. Karlee started to tighten as I picked up speed. My thrusts became weaker and weaker as I got closer to my high. She scratched my back and dug her nails into my skin.

"Mmm- Karlee." The pain made me finish her and we reached our climaxes. Karlee let her juices spill all over me and mine released in her.

(I spilled Apple juice on me earlier... k.)

After we rode out our highs, I laid beside Karlee. I heard banging on the bedroom door and then some yelling.

"Get it Gilinksky! GET IIITTT!" Johnson yelled. I forgot he came home with us.

"Shut up!" I yelled back. Karlee giggled and kissed my lips ever so softly. This is why I fell in love with her.

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