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-so this is the chapter that Matt originally mourned on Lindsay's death, but since she's still alive now, I'm rewriting everything! Thanks for rereading and understanding!!!!-
*but there is still Lacey, Karlee, and Rylee*

*2 months later*


My alarm on my phone woke me up to another dreadful day. My love left me 2 months ago today.

I got up and put on something easy. (It's the outfit he was wearing when he was holding the bulldog on his Insta or Twitter) The guys insisted on taking me to the mall to get my mind off of things today.

Taylor ran into the room and pulled me out. He dragged me to his Range Rover that was parked in the driveway of the duplex. I just can't believe that because of a vine, Lindsay would fall for Sam.

"C'mon, Matt. It's gonna be fun, man. Trust me." Gilinsky told me.

"Yeah, bro. Just us guys. We'll help you get through this." Nash told me. Taylor starts driving, he seems to be a little uneasy. I shrug and they pat me on the back. I really did like her. A lot.

•Rylee• 👈New girl POV!

Karlee, Lacey and I have been walking around the mall for the last 15 minutes looking for my boyfriend, Taylor. (Weren't expecting that were you?)

All of a sudden, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waste. It was Tay.

I smiled and turned around to face him. He smirked and leaned down to kiss my lips. When we pulled apart, I looked over his shoulder and noticed the rest of the guys.

"Hey, guys." I said, waving. Some waved back and then I noticed a very heart broken Matt. "Hey, Matt. Haven't seen you for awhile." He hasn't been around girls for the last few months I guess.

"Hi." He said, looking down. I gave him a hug and he just kinda stood there. Well okay then. I kinda shook it off... I mean, he lost his girlfriend to his roommate.

Taylor glanced at him and rolled his eyes. I smacked his arm and Matt chuckled. I liked Matt's smile. He had such a baby face, it was so cute. But Taylor is my "bae" and he will overrule Matt anyday.


I stood and watched as Rylee got a dis-hug from Matt. I started to feel bad. Matt is surrounded by his best friends having girlfriends and he practically let his own girl go to his friend.

There was a long awkward silence and I could feel the tension just stand in the middle of everyone

"Jack, (gilinksky) will you come with me to go shopping for some stuff?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said quickly. "Bye, guys. And Matt, take it easy man." Jack told him while patting his shoulder.

We started walking to our stores after we left the awkward silence in our little group. We tried to not be noticed by fans. But obviously that didn't work to well.

We took pictures talked to a few girls. Some were complete sweethearts and others were bitches. But, I mean, what can I do?

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