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**a few people have asked, THEY LIVE IN VIRGINIA!!!mkay read**
~I'm not gonna do polyvore for awhile😭 sorry~
*remember she's at work😏*

I look up at the clock in the store. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell of candles and perfume, but I get tired of it sometimes. Especially when the fans come in and want to take pictures. It gets a little old because they come in everyday asking the same question.


"Karlee." My boss spoke out from behind me. I turned from the cash register and looked at her.


"I'd like to speak to you in my office... Immediately." She walked back into the back room with a pissed off look on her face. But when does she not look like that? I was shocked, nothing usually is done wrong with me... That I know of. I walked into her office and sat down in a chair. "Listen." She cleared her throat. "I have noticed a few things about the store."

"And those would be?" I asked, clearly concerned because I do nothing but sit behind a cash register for hours.

"Well," she started. "The shelves aren't being stocked when they need to be and the floors are dirtier than anything." She softly spoke. "And girls come in here and don't buy anything, but they talk to you. Why?"

"Well, I wasn't aware that I had to restock the shelves. I thought that was Danielle's job. And for the floors- I'm a cashier. Not a janitor. Also, the girls come in because I date a famous viner and I'm apparently a little famous as well." I shrugged and rolled my eyes.

"Well, I can see that somebody has an attitude. Maybe we could get someone else to do the cashier job as well." My boss faked smiled.

"Are you trying to say something?" I questioned, clearly annoyed.

"Yes. Your fired." She smiled. I would like your name tag and for you to get out of my store." I ripped off my tag and tossed it on her desk. I was beyond pissed.

"Fuck you and your terrible fragrances." I flipped her off as I walked out of Bath and Body Works.

My car was parked in the back and when I walked out of the doors, I noticed something. It was hooked up to a tow-truck. Fuck this.

"Excuse me! This is my car!" I told the guy.

"It's parked in a work zone. Only people who work here can park here." He acknowledged me.

"I work here. Well, worked." I rolled my eyes at the thought of being fired.

"So... Do you work here or not? A lady called and said you didn't and she wanted this car removed form this parking lot."

"I did. She just fired me." I put my head down.

"Well, since the car is already hooked up, it's been considered towed. You need to pay off this tow right now or I take it with me." The guy said. I asked how much and he gave me the price. I looked in my wallet and saw a $100 bill. It wasn't enough though.

"Look- can we just hook this up to my card and we can work things out?" I asked.

"Sorry." He shook his head and got in his truck and took my car.

"Shit, I left my gum in there." I mumbled to myself. I walked back over to the bench beside the building and pulled out my phone.

I knew Jack and Taylor were at the gym. But, I called Jack anyway. He picked up after the second ring.

"Hey babe." He answered.

"Hey." I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

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