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*this stuff with Karlee, Jack, Lacey, and Taylor, are happening at the same time btw. I was reading it and I got confused lol but yeah*

I started walking to the front door, thinking about the odds of me being pregnant. Like, would it be bad? I have my own place. Jack is loyal. He's happy, I'm happy. I have money. I have my friends support, I hope. What more do I need?

I begin to walk past the big window in the front of our house. I glimpse up and see two people standing in the living room. I couldn't make out who it was considering our curtains were hanging up.

I walked to the front door and quickly turn the door knob. It was locked. Shit. I knocked on the door and I heard people running around whispering to each other.

Great. Here lay another secret.


I grab Taylor's face in my hands and our lips meet once again. Our tongues explore each other's mouths and Taylor groans, making my lips vibrate.

My hands fall from his face, tracing every muscle line possible. I stopped at his v-line and mentally smiled to myself.

My finger tips trailed the outer line of his boxers and I began to pull them down slowly.

I drop down to my knees and continue pulling off his underwear very slow, trying to tease him.

My brain came up with an idea and I followed my steps. I stopped pulling on them and placed one of my hands, outside, on his package. I stood back up so I could be face to face with Taylor. He squinted his eyes at me and I smirked.

I began to palm his through his shorts and he threw his head back in pleasure. I kissed his jaw line, down to his neck at the same time as my other actions. He was about to just yank his boxers off when we heard a noise at the door.

We pulled away quickly and we backed away from each other.

The knob turned and then stopped since the door was locked.

"Who is that?" Taylor whispered to me.

"How the fuck would I know?" I responded, also whispering. He quickly ran to the kitchen to grab a box of cheez-its. "Why did you grab those?" I asked, still whispering.

"Make it look like nothing was just happening." He whispered back. I nodded and watched as he ran off to his room. I sped up to him and grabbed his arm. "Wait." I said. He turned around and I kissed him one last time. "I like you." He smiled at me.

"Hello?" I hear someone yell from outside. I made it out as Karlee. Shit.

I ran over to the door and opened it.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." Karlee replied more like a question, she looked at my attire and then closed the door behind her. "Why was the door locked?" I shrugged and began walking over to the staircase.

"Hey Karlee." Taylor said, coming out of his room. He was fully clothed and stuffing his face with cheez-its. I smiled at him and then noticed that I left a hickey on his neck. My smile faded and Karlee noticed.

"What's wrong, Lacey?" She kinda grins. Oh god, does she know? Did she see the hickey? Did she see us?

"Uh- nothing." I shot back quickly and ran downstairs.

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