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I watched as my best friend kissed my boyfriend. Well, now I guess ex-boyfriend. And now they are going somewhere together? What the hell?

"Wow. That was crazy." Jack said.

"Your so lucky that Lace didn't throw a punch at you. That must've hurt her so much to not hit you." Karlee laughed.

"It looks bad but you have to believe me, it wasn't. It was into a kiss and things got a little heated but nothing happened." I tried explaining.

"I'm pretty sure when Taylor made the joke that 'we are all dating each other', he didn't mean it." Jack said.


"We are never apart." Lacey said.

"Yeah, whenever someone leaves, the rest follows." Laughed Rylee.

"All of us are practically dating each other." Taylor said. Everyone looked at him weird. "Well obviously not us guys." We all laughed at how stupid that statement was.

*end of flashback*

I look up and see that Jack is annoyed and Karlee is disappointed.

"Can you go into the bedroom for a bit, please?" Karlee asked Jack. He walked out of the living room and went to his room.

"Karlee, please believe me!" I begged.

"Don't pity me." She told me. "I get it. You got bored of Taylor and wanted something new. Why you went for Nash, the reason is irrelevant. But, you fucked up big time right now. You lost your guy, you lost your friend, you lost your trust, you lost the friendship between you and Lacey, and you lost your permission to live in this house with all of us. I thought you were better than this. You always say how Lindsay was practically cheating on Matt with Sammy and you would always make fun of that and laugh at that shit, but in reality, you were doing the same thing. If anyone was to screw up, I would think it would be Taylor. But, it looks like I'm wrong." She told me.

"I don't know what to do. Where to go. What to say." I cried.

"Go pack your things, go home, and nothing. Don't say a word. Except for one. 'Bye'" Karlee was good with this talking stuff.

"Okay. I'll leave tomorrow morning. My sister isnt very far from here..." I sat on the couch and got comfy. Considering this is where I'm gonna stay for tonight.

"Can I just ask one question?" Karlee asked. I nodded. "How long have you kept this secret?" She questioned.

I froze and counted the weeks... Then counted to months. "About 3 months." I whispered.

"Oh... Okay." Karlee uttered. She shook her head and started laughing. I looked at her confused.

"What?" I asked.

"You basically kissed Lacey! Do you not see that? Nash kisses Lace everyday. That means you practically kissed her." She laughed. I shook my head and got up to walk away. She tries to make a joke of everything in a serious situation and I hate it. "Wait," Karlee called out. I turned around and looked at her. "so, are you and Nash like, a thing now?"

"I don't know, maybe." I shook my head.

"Well maybe you should go find out." Karlee tilted her head, pointing to the stairs which lead to Lacey and Nash's room.

I started walking down the steps and heard Nash in the back bedroom. I walked over to the closed door and slowly opened it.


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