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So... I have a boyfriend now. K cool.

Matt and I sat in his rental car, a silver Range Rover. I sat in the passengers seat as he climbed into the drivers side.

"Hey Bart." Matt started and then listened to the other line speak. "Yes. I know I'm late but listen, I'm not gonna explode on you and yell at you, but, I do have a few things I need to say." Matt softly spoke into his phone.

"I overheard you talking to one of your co founders yesterday and I just want to say that, I'm glad I listened till the end because now I really know who you are. I do not agree with how your making the fans pay more money to meet us. Some VIP tickets already rank at $200 what else do you want Bart? I'm so glad to let this off my chest and tell you how you should hear it."

Matt paused and listened, then began talking again, "no, you have a fake connection with the guys. You are in it for the money. And that's okay. But look at it the guys and I's way- we're not getting payed. We stand and meet new friends for over 4 hours. Then, we perform and do a bunch of shit that everyone loves. What do you do? You sit in the back and count off your hundreds while buying shit off line."

I was proud of Matthew. He was standing up for himself and this was great.

"Bart, I quit. I'm not coming to Magcon anymore." He hung up and he sighed, looking at his phone.

"Do you feel better?" I asked.

"A little, but now we're wasting our time in Texas."

"Aw babe, it's okay? It's not wasted as long as I'm with you." I leaned over and kissed his soft lips.

He kissed back with more force and I smiled. Matt pulled me over the seat and I straddled his lap. {eheh lap dance on matt AMIRITE ladies😏}

Our kiss continued and I started to slowly grind our crotches together.

"Ugh. Rylee." Matt groaned between kisses.

I continued what I was doing and I began going harder. The car began to rock slightly and Matt looked at me.

"We can't do this in the car. There are fans around." He told me. I nodded and seductively climbed off of him into my original spot in the passengers seat.

"So what do we do? Go back through the lobby and see that fake bitch again?" I asked, laughing a bit.

"No. We're gonna go somewhere nice."

Matt started the car and took off faster than anything.

I'm literally wearing leggings and a tshirt. I am not going somewhere nice.

I pushed all those thoughts away and just imagined doing things with Matt for the first time. We've kissed, obviously, but we've never been intimate.

That sounds so weird considering he dated my niece. Ew.

I looked out the window and watched as all the trees and tall buildings kept leaving my vision reach.

Matt then turned up the radio, breaking me from my thoughts. Soon, I realized it was one of my favorite songs.


I laughed at his stupidity and joined in with him.

We got into a singing/screaming match and we were getting weird looks from people in the cars next to us, but then finally the song came to an end.

"Your a great singer." Matt said sarcastically as he pulled into a nice driveway.

"Your an amazing screamer." I laughed and he stuck his tongue out. {that sounds very dirty now that I think about it😂😂}

Matt parked his car in front of a nice little house on a hill. He climbed out of the car, so I did the same and followed my boyfriend inside.

I walked in and it had amazing interior design. There were glass doors and open windows that showed a beautiful scenery beyond the hill.

"Matt, it's so beautiful." I spoke softly.

"Almost as beautiful as you." I laughed at him. "What?"

"You're so cheesy." I giggled.

Matt took my hand and I followed him down a small hallway. We walked into the master bedroom and it was HUGE.

Like, Matt's dick huge.

Just kidding, but it was GINORMOUS!

Matthew gently gripped my hand and traveled up and down my arm. He slowly kissed my neck and I let out a light moan.

I slowly made my way down to the soft, white, covers on the bed.

I laid on my back and Matt hovered over me.

Ugh. I wanted him so bad.

"Matt, now." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I nodded frantically.

Matt stripped out of his clothes and was left in his boxers. I removed everything and was left with my black sports bra and my black boy shorts.

Matt pulled out a condom packet and he ripped it open with his teeth. God, he was so hot.

Matt pulled down his boxers to reveal his {sensitive cucumber stick... Jk it's his dick} member. He nonchalantly slid the condom on and walked over to my entrance.

A giant smile was planted on my face this whole time and Matt looked at me weird.

"What are you so smiley about?"

"I love you." I kissed his soft rosy lips.

"I love you too." He breathed after.

I laid back down and have him permission to do his job. But before he had the chance to, I felt a very uncomfortable feeling.

I wasn't supposed to have it for 2 more weeks, damnit.


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