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*so, Lindsay has been staying there for the last month. She got a job at the local Casey's gas station. {idk if you have a Casey's near you, but they are literally scattered here in Iowa and yeah.} Her mom stopped drinking and only drinks about once a week, if that. And yeah that's it.*


I woke up and see my handsome boyfriend laying beside me. He was so peaceful laying there. His blonde hair was laying flat and covered a little bit off his face. I smiled at myself because he was so cute.

"Lindsay." I jumped at the words and I turned to the noise. Sammy. I raised an eyebrow and he motioned for me to come over to him.

"What do you want?" I asked him once I quietly got out of bed and into the hallway.

"I need help with a vine for the Smack account." Sammy told me. "Will you be in it with me?"

"If it's another 'Kiss Cam' I will smack you. " I said, "No pun intended." I added. We kinda laughed at me and then he continued talking.

"I swear on my life, it's not that."

"Okay good." I told him. "What's the idea of this vine?"

"Well, I want to do a When Girls See Each Other VS When Guys Do. I'll dress up like a girl and you just act really happy. Then for the guys, act really chill and I'm gonna draw a beard on your face."

"Ummm. Okay." I giggled. "Do I need to change?" He looked at my attire, I was wearing blue running shorts and a purple volleyball shirt. My hair was in a pony tail and I didn't have makeup on.

"I think you look fine. But you need to help me get ready." He grabbed my hand and flipped his non-existent hair. I laughed and he smiled. Ugh his smile is to die for. Wait, what? "Umm... Thanks?" Sam scratched the back of his neck.

"Shit, did I say that out loud?" I covered my mouth as he nodded. "I didn't mean to say that. Don't tell anyone I said that."

"I won't. I promise."

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