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Thank you all for following and reading and getting me where I am rn. Honestly, I'm so happy and I don't know why... THANK YOU!!!!


Taylor and I walk up the driveway and into the condo. Everyone was yelling at each other.

"I just don't understand the problem here." Lindsay spoke in her annoying voice. She rested her hands on her hips and her blonde hair fell to the side.

"Well, he is a big part of Jack and Jack. They're the Omaha Boys. He needs to come." Matt said.

"I know that. That's why I'm confused why I can't come." She said again.

"Because we don't have room for you!" Rylee yelled. Oh shit. Here we go.

"If you don't have room for me, then you don't have room for Sam!" Lindsay grabbed Sam's arm and attempted to walk out of the room, but he stopped in her tracks. "Well, c'mon." She demanded pulling on his arm.

"No." Sammy said. "I'm done." He snapped his arm out of her grip, "Your bossy, your needy, and just overall clingy. I can't have that. We're done." He said. I started laughing a little bit and everyone turned to look at me. I bit my lip and turned into Taylor's shoulder to hide my laughter. I felt the vibration of him chuckling a little as well.

"You think this is fucking funny?" Lindsay exclaimed.

"What? No." Taylor said. "We think this is hilarious." Everyone burst out into a fit of laughter, including Sam. Lindsay stormed off and, what I assumed, went to go pack her things.

*2 hours later*

"What were ya'll arguing about anyway?" I asked the group. We were all sitting in the living room watching tv.

"Oh. That's right." Johnson said. "You and Taylor were on a walk." He wiggled his eyebrows at Taylor and everyone whistled and oohed. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm taken, remember." I reminded the group and looked up at Nash, who's legs I was sitting between on the floor while he was on the couch.They all uttered little words I couldn't hear. I shook it off and looked back at Jack to continue speaking.

"Well, a guy named Bart Bordelon called and asked if the guys and I wanted to attend this Meet and Greet Convention. It's called Magcon and it's basically a group of social media stars, us, going out and having shows and meeting our fans." He smiled. I smiled with him and looked at the guys that were in the room that were doing this Magcon thing. Jack J, Jack G, Taylor, Carter, Matt, Nash, Cameron, a guy named Aaron and a few others. Also, Mahogany Gordy would DJ the shows. And Sammy would guest star.

"That's so cool!" I said. I stood up and hugged Nash. "Congrats babe." I whispered. He kissed my cheek and I sat back down.

"This is going to be a crazy week in Dallas." Cameron said.

"Well, I'll miss you guys while your gone." I stuck out my lip and Nash chuckled. "What?" I asked.

"You're coming... Duh. That's why Lindsay was freaking out because Karlee, Rylee, and you are coming. But we wouldn't let her." Everyone laughed a little. I smiled ear to ear. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!


I honestly didn't know what to feel at this moment. I guess at first, it did sound like I just wanted to break Lacey and Nash up, but, now I feel like I have a thing for her.

She even told me that she liked me when we almost had sex. Doesn't that mean anything? But then, she never told Nash about us and then she started treating me like a friend again.

The talk we just had down the street was a little rough for me. I mean, the girl I like just dissed me.

Was I not a good kisser?

Was I not good in bed?

What was the problem?

"Taylor!" Cameron yelled. I jumped.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off." Cam told me.

"What? Yeah. I'm fine." I laughed a little bit. He scrunched his eyebrows and looked away. Well damn.

"Well, who do you want to room with?" Jack (G) asked.

"Ummmm... I guess Matt and Carter." I shrugged.

Everyone else chose their people and I just sat thinking about how terrible Magcon will be.

Oh my god Lacey just forget about Nash please.

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