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If you live in iowa,


AND THANKS FOR 15k!!!!!!!!
Oh my god. I was so nervous. A few weeks ago, Matt and I went out to go ring shopping for Lacey and I's promise rings. Today was gonna be the day I purpose our promise.

A roar of laughter came from the people who walked through the room door. Rylee, Lacey, and ... Taylor?

I thought it was a girls night. Why was Taylor with them?

"Hey." Matt said to Rylee.

"Hey." She replied and plopped beside him.

"Hey babe." I smiled at Lacey.

"Hi." She said bluntly, then she sat in the chair next to the desk.. on the other side of the room.

I squinted my eyes at her, trying to get her to come sit by me, but she looked away. Taylor cleared his throat in an awkward manor.

"Nash, do you want to go for a walk?" Lacey asked me.

"Uh, sure." What? Was Taylor like a cue to do something or whatever?

Lacey and I walked outside into the hallway.

"We shouldn't leave the floor. There are probably girls down in the lobby." I told her. She nodded and continued walking around.

"Okay. So, basically, I haven't really been feeling anything between us for the last week or so. And it's really weird to me because I love you. So I should feel something, but I don't." She told me slowly. Every single word hurt me like a gun shot. I stopped walking and she stood in front of me.

"But I thought you forgave me for everything." I said.

"I did," she grabbed both my hands and her eyes started to build up a few tears. "but, I just haven't felt anything and I think it's because I have something for someone else." WHAT THE HELL? MY GIRL HAS A THING WITH ANOTHER GUY?

"What?" I was fighting back tears but I was livid and I just wanted to punch a brick wall.

"I'm sorry Nash, I truly am. I thought we were gonna be the true power couple. But, I honestly think we would be better off just as friends." A tear shed from my eye and I wiped it away. "Nash, I'm sorry." She cried.

Lacey pulled me in for one last hug and I accepted it. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and her small arms snaked their way around my torso.

To be honest, I think I was okay with us breaking up. Yes, I was gonna be sad but I don't think it would really change the friendship we've had before.

I decided to keep the ring to myself and give it to someone later. Maybe as an engagement ring. It's nice enough to be one, so I'll use it when the time is right.

I knew what was going on. I knew exactly what was happening. Lacey was breaking things with Nash and going for Taylor.

This didn't piss me off but I questioned it big time.

At the moment, the only people in the room were Taylor, Carter, Matt and me. I looked over at Carter who had an annoyed look on his face.

"Why do you always seem mad?" I asked him.

"I'm not mad." He snapped and walked into my room with the girls.

"I'm not mad." I mocked Carter as the door shut, and Matt chuckled.

"So..." Taylor said.

"So?" I asked.

"Are you guys together?" He asked like a little kid.

I looked at Matt and he returned the glance. The only time we showed anything to each other was when we kissed on the plane. And it's not like he asked me out to make it official. And I al-

My train of thoughts were lost when Matt's lips crashed into mine. "Yup." Matthew replied after he pulled away. Taylor smiled and went back to do whatever on his phone.

I could feel my cheeks burn up and Matthew kissed my cheek.

Well I guess I'm not single anymore.
This chapter was shit.

Correction, this BOOK is shit. I don't even know why yall read it but thanks FOR 15 THOUSAND READS YOU GUYS HOLY FUDGE AND POPCORN LIKE OH MY JESUS SANDALS WHAT EVEN?

yeah. k. thanks.

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