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It's been awhile since I've written smut so enjoy the next few chapters ;)

"Oh my god, Tay, you're so funny." Taylor {alecia} laughed...or should I say, cackled... The Taylor's approached the seats and sat down next to Nash and I. I just stared at them in disgust. Does he really think this is gonna work out between us if he brings this cackling goat around?

"Hey, Lacey." Taylor A. smiled.

"Hi." I smugged. Nash chuckled to himself and I kicked his shin.

"Ah! Fuck." He grabbed his battle wound and made ugly faces that I found pretty hilarious.

"Where is everyone else?" Taylor {Caniff} asked.

"They're on their way. Karlee had to be checked out of the hospital for the third time." Nash rolled his eyes. Karlee's nurse is apparently new and screws everything up.

"Oh." He replied.
We sat at the gate for a good 30 minutes before everyone else showed up. Eventually, the intercom lady called our flight and we were now boarding.

I followed behind Carter and Johnson until I found my seat.

My thank you prayers to God, for my empty row, were interrupted when Taylor Alecia sat down next to me.

"I guess this is my seat." She giggled.

"I guess." I mumbled. "Thanks a lot, big man." I whispered to Jesus{😂}.

"What?" Taylor asked me.

"Nothing." I fake smiled. "So, why did you come with Taylor? I'm just curious as to why he thought bringing a slut, I MEAN FRIEND, along to the tour would be a good idea..." I scoffed. {No hate towards TayAlecia! I just need a problem starter!!!}

"Well, he just needed a real girlfriend that knows what she wants and doesn't jump from guy to guy." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure the guy in your bed last night wouldn't be very pleased to hear about Taylor." I motioned towards the bandana boy a couple seats over.

"The guy in my bed last night was Taylor. Oh my god, you should've heard us." She smirked. I was disgusted. Not only because she was just a whore but because Taylor said that he was a virgin and wanted to save it for someone special. SERIOUSLY TAY? He basically chose himself.

{ha. Get it? Taylor and Taylor... no. k}

"You're pathetic." I told her straight up.

"You're a bitch." She said a little louder than my recent voice.

"You're a whore." I laughed at her facial expression.

"You're a cunt." She said too loud and most of the people around us went silent.

I looked around and she slowly slouched in her seat. Everyone was looking at us. Including bandana boy.

I looked at him and he gave me a smug look.

Hey, she said it. I didn't.
It was 8:37 and we had about an hour before Magcon Chicago starts. I haven't talked to anyone on this flight since Taylor's little shout out to me.

I was scrolling through Instagram looking at fan edits when Caniff came over and whispered something to Taylor. She giggled and nodded and I pretended I didn't see or hear anything.

She got up and followed him to the bathroom, earning a few groans from the other people on the flight.

And here is when the symphonic moans begin.

Taylor Caniff
"You're a cunt." I heard Taylor say to Lacey.

Lacey had a shocked look on her face and I felt bad for her. But she deserves it.

To be completely fucking honest, I don't want anything to do with Taylor. Like at all.

I just want to piss Lacey off so she can see what she's missing.

I walked over to Taylor and whispered sweet nothings to her.

"We should go check out the bathroom." I suggested. She giggled and nodded, taking my hand as we made our way to the bathroom.

I closed the slide door behind us and locked it. She grabbed my shoulders and jumped on to my waist. I grabbed her ass and squeezed a little, earning a quiet moan from her. Taylor's lips pressed on mine ever so gently.

"We should repeat last night." She smirked. I nodded but really I felt like I was forced into what happened last night...

Tay got off of me and sat on the sink counter and slowly slipped off her shorts. She moved her hand down to her area and began rubbing herself, moaning a bit. {I am disturbing myself. Is this even legal?}

She looked at me with lust filled eyes and I stared at her actions. I didn't know whether to be turned on or disgusted.

This isn't what I wanted. I want Lacey. Not this tumblr wannabe.

"Well?" Taylor suggested. "Are you gonna use or finger or be a big boy and use your-" I cut her off.

"I have to pee." I said bluntly.

Taylor stopped doing what she was doing and looked at me confused.

"What?" She asked.

"I have to take a piss, please get out." She rolled her eyes and got off of the counter.

"Whatever." She scoffed.

Just like everyone else on the plane, I got hella uncomfortable when only one person walked out of that bathroom.

And might I add, SHE LOOKED PISSED.

Taylor sat down next to me and played with her hair for a second.

"Looks like someone didn't get the right pleasure she wanted. Did bae put it in the wrong hole?" I teased.

"Ugh. Leave me alone." She said sternly. I put my hands up in defense and slouched back in my seat.
I looked over and noticed that the brown haired freak was asleep. I rolled my eyes at how sprawled out she was. Taking up two seats. Damn girl.

Even though I would regret it, I really had to pee, so I slowly got up and passed by the sleeping beast.

I continued walking before I felt a sudden yank and tug on my arm as someone grabbed my hand and sat me in their lap.

"Hey beautiful." Sammy smiled all cheekily.

"Hey Sammy." I smiled back.

"I heard Alecia's freak out earlier." He said, giving me an apologetic look.

"I think everyone on the plane did." I said laughing lightly and returning the look.

I slid off of Sammy's lap and into the empty seat next to him. I looked over at him and he smiled again.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked him curiously.

"I don't know. I'm just very confident for these next few days." He pushed a little flailing red hair behind my ear.

"Confident for what?" I laughed.

"It's a surprise."
Is Lacey getting her some Daddy?


I'm fucking pissed tho bc before I could get the money, the VIP silver sold out (everyone knows gold was gone period soo😂😂😂) but then I tried to get a VIP bronze and then I found out that those were gone.


so now I'm getting Skip The Line tickets and I'm gonna sneak my way into a VIP tent bc I'm gonna meet one of the guys.

I have to.


I'll be telling some spoilers and sharing some secret info for this book and if you want to know about my other ones then go ahead and ask me those too!!!!!

I'll update again if I do go on sooo comment if you would watch!!!

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