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"Abandoned Amusement Park." Rylee and I said together. She grinned and I giggled a bit.

It was now a little before 5:00 and Rylee and I were walking down the fence line to the Abandoned fun zone. Eventually, we made it to the front of the gate. It had a big sign that said "do not enter" but who gives a shit?

"This is a tall fence." Rylee stammered.

"Really?" I asked. The fence wasn't that high. Maybe about 7 feet.

"I can't climb it." She said bluntly. I nodded slowly. I looked side to side to see if anyone was around, luckily, it was vacant. Then I got down on my knees. "What are you doing?"

"You have to get over one way or another." I laughed.

She shrugged and put her foot in my hands that I cupped together. I hoisted her up on the fence and she jumped over. I on the other hand, got a running start and jumped up on the fence. I climbed the chainlinks with no problem. I jumped down and I found myself beside Rylee.

"What to first?" I asked her.

"I don't know. This place is creepy. It looks like those roller coaster rides that someone in a horror movie would die on." Rylee implied.

"Well damn."

"Can we just leave?" She begged.

"Are you for real? No." I replied.

She sighed and we began walking to the wide variety of rides. We passed a bunch of old popcorn and cotton candy stands.

"Come here." I dragged Rylee by the arm to one of the old food stands.

I attempted to open the door and it didn't budge.

"Well looks like it doesn't want to be opened. Let's go." Rylee yanked my arm but I got out of her grip. I aimed myself up with the door and kicked it down like I was in a badass action movie. "Oh my god, Lacey." Rylee rolled her eyes.

I walked into the little he and it was for cotton candy. It was just a little dusty. It was locked up pretty well and nothing was really dirty.

"Want some cotton candy?" I laughed at Rylee.

"I don't want anything from this shit hole."

"Okay then." I walked out and we passed a few more rides but one really caught my eye.

A big carousel.

"ooh." I whispered.

"Lacey, I swear."

"Loosen up. Have fun."

I ran over to the animal ride and jumped the little fence/gate thing.

"Where's the control panel?" I asked nobody in general. All of a sudden, everything turned on and the carousel shines bright with different colors. The animals began moving and music began playing.

It was perfect. Just amazing.

"Well get on." A guy's voice called.

I turned around and my eyes grew wide.


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