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I cried for about an hour and a half.

This is amazing.

2014 is the best year so far and I'm starting 2015 off pretty damn good.

Next Thursday, January 8th, 2015. I will be driving to Naperville, Illinois to see my favorite person on the Internet.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT BALLS! My parents would've never agreed to this, considering they didn't when he was in Iowa, but I brought the grades on them and they gave in. OMFG IM SHAKING!!! HOLY SHIT!

Have any of you guys met the guys or been to a meet and greet and know how this works? Cuz I would be the one that tripped over my own feet in front of him and not know what to do.

I know he's gonna be nice and stuff but like, how does it work?

But anyway, in honor of this amazing day, this whole chapter is in Taylor's POV😊
*during the fight as Taylor would awkwardly block Lacey from Rylee*

My mood about this argument changed once I saw Rylee swinging at Lacey. I understand that since Rylee and I are broken up and I'm not really supposed to care about her whereabouts; but this really pissed me off.

I don't know what it was.

Rylee? Nah, things were mutual. They are different and I really don't give a rats ass about her.

Nash? Well he's Nash. The one that broke me. Mutual. Don't care.

Lacey? She took the hits nicely and then swung back and took control. I smiled to myself and felt butterflies as I watched her fight but that shouldn't mean anything.


I can't like Lacey in any way possible. Can I?

I mean, Nash broke Rylee and I. Why can't I have a little fun with Lacey?

*after fight*

"Are you okay? You took those blows pretty hard." Nash asked Lacey.

"I don't want her in this house ever again." (I realize I keep saying house, but I don't really like the word condo, sooooo... I meant condo when I say house) Lacey told him.

"But are you okay?" He asked again. She nodded and he grabbed her hand. They walked back into their bedroom and shut the door.

I looked at the clock. 3:13.

"Nash!" I yelled. He came walking back out.

"What, man?"

"What time do you have to be at that photoshoot with Bryant?" I asked him.

"3:30, why?" I tilted my head to the clock and his eyes widen. "Shit." Nash mumbled and ran to the guest room where all of his clothes were. He came running out shortly after in his outfit for the Magcon shoot.

"Thanks for reminding me, man." Nash hit my shoulder in a jokingly way. I smiled back and he went upstairs.

I waited for the footsteps to end, the front door shut, and his car to rumble and take off. After that was done, I made my way to Lacey's room.

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