883 20 13

*same outfit as 18*

I took my sisters car and drove downtown to the condo. Lacey and Nash were really pissing me off.

Like I said earlier, Lacey doesn't have to be my best friend right away, but I don't like how she's only being a complete bitch to me. Not fair, man.

I sped up and ran a red light. Whoops. Other cars were honking and I just slowed down and went at a normal speed. I looked around and saw a few police officers turn on to the street that I ran.

I took a few different and faster turns. Finally, I reached my destination at the house.

When I got out of the car, I saw a police officer come down the street. He was quite a ways down so I ran up to the front door and had a repetitive knock and bell ringer.

Taylor answered the door and looked at me. He slammed the door shut and I looked down the street. The officer was getting closer but not close enough to see me. I opened the door and ran in.

"Did you not take the hint? Nobody wants your ass around here anymore." Taylor spoke from the couch.

"Taylor, I'm not even here to talk to you." I snapped. "Where's Lacey?"

Taylor chuckled, "good luck talkin' to her." He said. "Shes been talking shit about your ass all fuckin' week." Taylor laughed, "I might've said a few things as well."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "Where is she?" I asked for the final time.

"Room." Taylor told me.

I walked down the creaky steps and heard laughter from the back room. Lacey's room.

My stealth skills were amazing. Not a single noise was made by me.

I peeked my head in the crack of the door and watched as Lacey sat on Nash's waist, legs on either side. She was playing with his loose hair and he rested his hands on her thighs. I thought I only did that to him.

The only thing that was cute about them was the fact that they would make a cute baby someday. I mean, Lacey's red hair, Nash's eyes, Nash's skin tone, a girl because they're amazing. Like, c'mon. #Perfection (I had to sns)

All of a sudden, an intense make out session broke out. Lacey grabbed Nash's face and brought it to hers. He settled his hands on her hips.

Lacey fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. I kinda laughed to myself because they haven't noticed me yet.

I cleared my throat and Lacey jumped up. Nash re-buttoned his shirt when he noticed it was me.

"The fuck you want?" Lacey asked.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt your, uh, time together but, I need to talk to you." I pointed to Lacey and she rolled her eyes.

*Lacey 19*

I kissed Nash one last time and climbed off of his waist.

I walked out of my bedroom and made my way over to the couch we had in the living room that was in the basement.

"Okay. So I came to talk to you." Rylee started.

"No shit." I snapped.

"I meant, I came to talk about the whole Nash thing." She corrected. I looked at her for her to continue. "Well, I don't see why you trust him right away and you don't even talk to me anymore. Like, you've known him for 3 years. We've known each other since we were 8 years old. What happened?" She asked me.

"I trust him just because of that. You just answered your question." I said honestly. "Nash and I have only known each other for a short amount of time, therefore he should get a few chances. You on the other hand, have messed up before. I've given you chances before and last week you fucked up. I can't forgive my best friend for having sex with my significant other." I explained. I wanted to cry but I'm not gonna do that. Not now.

"Wow. That was a shitty explanation." Rylee told me.

"And why is that?" I snapped.

"Because. I think you should trust me more. Nash could be fucking Karlee and you would never know because he knows what not to say to piss you off and the perfect thing to say to get you back."

"Well," my eyes teared up and my voice began to shake, "at least Karlee knows her boundaries and won't cheat on someone with her best friend's boyfriend." I stood up off the couch and stopped in my tracks. "Get out of my house, slut."

I began walking to my room when I felt an explosion of pain rush through my back. I fell to the ground and looked over. Rylee was standing behind me. I got up and we began hitting each other.

Screaming abrupted through the house.

"Your such a bitch! All the time!" Rylee shouted.

"Your such a whore! You practically have sex with everything that walks!" I yelled.

Nash and Taylor ran over to the fight. Nash grabbed my arm and Taylor stepped between Rylee and I.

"Bitch, your lucky I was stopped. Your little stupid ass can't compete with all this. Your dad hasn't taught you shit about the army. Too bad he can't anymore since he died." Rylee instigated. Call me what you want, but don't bring my loved ones into this.

I escaped from the grip of Nash and jumped on to Rylee. She fell instantly and I began punching her in every spot possible.

The fight ended when Rylee flipped over and started returning the favor to my face.

Nash yanked her off and Taylor blocked her from me.

"Just leave." Taylor bossed Rylee. She walked out and Nash helped me up off the floor.

I was definitely gonna be soar later.

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