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I started laughing so hard that I almost peed myself.

Nash jumped on top of the claw machine that he was playing after we ate our pizza.

Nash just spent $10 and hasn't won a single stuffed animal. He started shaking the whole machine and nothing happened. He finally gave up and started beating on the top lid.

"Nash!" I exclaimed.

"Lacey!" He mocked.

I took out my phone and made a snapchat video of him shaking the game some more. About 5 seconds into the video, Nash tips a little too far and the whole game falls over.

Nash jumps up and grabs my arm. We run over to a corner and watch as the manager comes running out and look at the mess we made.

I couldn't help but start giggling a little. Nash covered my mouth with his hand and I let out a squeal of laughter.

The manager guy looked towards our direction and begins walking over to us.

We are gonna be in deep shit unle-

Nash connected his lips with mine. I was confused at first but then I went with it.

It sounds bad but I miss the feeling of him on my lips. His taste lingered on my mouth and I deepened it by tugging on his hair. He let out a slight moan and I smiled.

"Ugh. Use a condom later. Dumb teenagers." I overheard the manager walk away. I stopped kissing Nash and I leaned up against the wall.

"Nash..." I sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't want to get busted so I ju-" I cut him off.

"No." I said. "Don't be sorry." I trailed off just thinking to myself. Do I still have a thing for Nash? Do I only want Taylor? "Nash, if I asked you back, would you?" I questioned.

He looked shocked and then looked at me with lustful eyes.

"Of course. I love you so much." He breathed while getting closer to my face.

"I said if." I pointed out.


"I don't know anymore, Nash. Maybe I should just not be with anyone right now."

"Lace, obviously I want you to still be with me. I don't know who the other guy is but I know that he can't love you the way I did. I loved you more than I have with anything. I still do. I always will." Nash spilled.

"But I can't be jumping back and forth. It's not healthy and it's very ugly on a reputation."

"Okay, I'm gonna say something and I'm not sure whether this will make you even more stressed about this or not but I just need to get it off my chest. Lacey, I am absolutely in love with you. From the way you laugh, how you smile, pop your knuckles when you're nervous, how your a total smart ass all the fucking time. I just love it. I don't ever want to leave your side and when you broke things a few days ago, it totally shattered me. I am completely in love with you, and I'm sorry. But you have to deal with me whether you like it or not." I smiled and covered my face with my hands.

"Aghhhhhhh." I growled into my hands. I laughed at myself. It was obvious who I wanted to be with. I just don't understand why I'm debating between the two of them.

"Where's Nash and Lace?" I overheard Johnson as he walked past the game section.

"What's up?" I walked out.

"It's Matt, Rylee, Jack, and Karlee." He said. I looked at him confused and he continued explaining. "They got in a terrible car accident."

"Oh my god, we have to go." Nash said.

"Let's go."

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