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After about an hour, I packed most of my things. It wasn't until now that I realized that I was such a hoarder. Keeping things that don't fit, I don't like, and just... no. I left those in the drawers and carried my bag into the living room.

I pretty much had everything. I looked around in all rooms and made sure that even the littlest things were packed.

Isabel was leaving her car with me and letting me have it since she has things in Ohio. I grabbed the car keys off the counter and made my way outside.

I climbed into the car and started to drive down to the duplex.

*skipping all that driving shit and yeah*

I parked on the curb, where it was open, and turned the car off. I opened the car door and stepped out into the hot Virginia sun.

It wasn't even that hot but I was gonna sweat, bringing all my stuff in. I wonder what it would be like to live in California. Or maybe Florida. That would be fun.

"Rylee?" I heard from the front door. I turned to see Matt. I waved. "What are you doing here? Why's your back seat trashed with boxes and shit?" He chuckled, walking through the yard to the opposite side of the car.

"Carter didn't tell you?" I asked him. I would've thought he said something to the guys. And Lindsay for that matter.

"Nope." Matt shook his head.

"Oh. Well I'm moving in." I smiled. He returned the smile and I felt a little flutter in my stomach. The fuck was that?

"Do you want some help?"

"Uhhh, if you want." I told him. He nodded and opened the back door and grabbed a box.

"Who's room are you in?" Matthew asked front he front door.

"I'm in the living room. I'm sleeping on the couch!" I yelled.

"No you're not!" He yelled back. I looked up and gave him a dumbfounded face. "Your obviously with Carter. Why else would he say you could stay."

"No. I'm serious. I'm on the couch. Just put my stuff in a closet and were good."

"Oh." Matt looked at the box and walked into the duplex. I followed him and started thinking.

The flutters I had when Matt smiled faded when he brought up Carter and me possibly being together. Dafuq? No. I'm not racist- but I don't do Asians. There good friends to have, but no thanks.





I've made my way downstairs to my room but then got bored so now I'm eating comic brownies on the couch, listening to the argument. So far, I found out that Karlee thought she was pregnant and Jack didn't want a kid.

"WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" Jack yelled once again.

"GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" Karlee pushed him towards the door.

"Oookaaaay..." I stood up, and wiped the brownie from my face. They looked at me and I began talking again. "Y'all are gonna argue, and that's okay. But you can't get physical. That just leads to terrible things. So, let's not push okay?" I looked at Karlee and she looked at me.

"Whatever. I still want you out though. I don't want to see your face ever again." Karlee told Jack. He looked so hurt.

"Karlee," he started.

"No, Jack. I can't right now. Just leave for a few days... I'll call you when I'm ready to talk to you again."

"Why the fuck do I have to leave?"


"KARLEE!" I yelled. This was not okay. I don't care how much she would hate me for saying this, it has to be done. "I'm sorry that you feel upset about Jack not wanting a kid, but do you see the problem? Your 17. You just turned 17. If you get pregnant, you can't go partying, you can't go many places, you have to watch what you eat and drink. You have to be careful. You'll be fat for 10 months." I looks her straight in the eye and she back handed me. I grabbed my face at the sudden pain and dropped to the ground.

"You can get out too while your at it. And don't worry about telling Nash about the Taylor thing... I got it." She walked over to her room and I heard her begin to talk. Fuck. Nash. Shit. Taylor. Damnit. I started crying and Jack lifted me up. We walked out of the condo and we got in his car. Might as well stay together for now.

Ayyyyyyeeeee it's been awhile. I've been busy with a bunch of school and my volleyball things.

I ALSO UPLOADED MY YOUTUBE VIDEO! I'll update when I get 10 likes on the video.

And it's obviously the Taylor Caniff one. Also, I'm filming another video with Rita-Lawley-Espinosa on Friday!!! Be ready for that!

I think a lot of my video ideas will come from you guys. You are the kind of people I actually like😂

So, if you like the video I have up now, and you also watch my video for Saturday- you should totally comment on this and tell me what other videos you would want to see.

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