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*they're still at Magcon so they're wearing the same outfits*

"LAST CHANCE FOR MERCH!" I yelled over all the thirsty screaming girls. Everyone just kinda looked at me and turned back to their line. Well damn... okay then.

Karlee looked past me at the clock, "Magcon ends in 20 minutes, let's start packing up the clothes." She suggested, already picking up a few sweatshirts and placing them in piles.

"Okay." The clothes were already folded so we just stacked them into the boxes they came in.

About 5 minutes later, we got everything put away. I sat on the table and went on my phone. I scanned through Twitter and noticed that the guys posted a few pictures of the fans. I admired the guys with their fans so much.

I then set my eyes on a tweet that made my heart drop.

you're lips felt nice on mine.

Was this a direct to me? Was this about me? I started smiling really hard and I favorited the tweet.

"What are you so happy about?" Karlee chuckled. She leaned over and looked at my phone screen. "Ooooh." She teased. "I see you got a new man on you're hands."

"No." I laughed. "We're not together." My heart skipped a beat at the thought of being his.

"Matt is loyal. He wouldn't just kiss you and ditch you."


I continued to look through my mentions when I noticed I got another notification.

You. Me. My room. Now.

Ugh, Espinosa you got my feels meter all fucked up right now.

Again, I favorited the tweet.

"ATTENTION ALL MAGCON VISITORS!" Bart yelled on his megaphone. "Magcon will be ending in 5 minutes. Everyone needs to make their way outside so we can get ready for the actual show." Bart went back into the back room where everyone chilled for a bit.

A few girls at the end of the line started crying since they wouldn't be able to meet the boys. Aw.

"Did you vlog for Jack yet?" I asked Karlee. She shook her head and walked over to her magcon back pack. Karlee grabbed the tiny camera and the bright red light appeared, signaling that it was on.

I put my middle finger up and she laughed. The camera girl walked around me and filmed a few people at the ends of the lines.

I laughed at a few of the fans because they started screaming and Karlee's face was priceless when she heard the first screech.

My focus on the girls was broken when I felt a hand grab my arm. I looked over and saw Matt.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, "You're supposed to be up there!" I pointed to the rest of the group.

"I wanted to be back here with you. I'll meet the rest of the fans tomorrow." This was a weird and different side of Matt. I always knew him as being 100% active with his fans.. okay.

I smiled and blushed. Matthew grasped my hand once more and began to pull me towards a door. We walked into the little office, type room thing, and he closed the door behind us.

Oh Jesus. Please fuck me.

With my luck, we would be in here just to play tic tac toe or some stupid shit like that.

"Rylee, I've been thinking about you so much and I think that kissing you on the plane was the best decision I've made in a long time." Matthew spilled.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him.

"Let's fuck."

He gripped my waist and pushed me against the wall in a sexual manner. He brought his face to mine and our lips connected rather roughly. Our lips moved in sync and it was so hot and perfect.

Matt slipped his tongue in my mouth and I moaned a little. He smiled in the kiss and I bit his lip a little. We moved over to the couch in the middle of the room and I laid my back on it.

Matthew removed his shirt and I did the same. His tan body rested above mine and the kiss continued once more. I started to unbuckle his shorts and he laughed a little.

Soon, we were both left in our undergarments. One hand supported his weight off to the side of us and the other trailed down my bare body. His hand stopped at the waist like of my underwear and he slowly moved his hand in them.

His cold fingers touched my entrance and an enjoyable feeling came over me.

"Ugh. Matt." I groaned.

Matthew hovered above me and he kissed down my neck slowly. Finding the perfect spot and making me moan his name once more.

I couldn't find words to describe how right this felt. To be in his arms, to be... Ow.

I came to my senses and noticed that I was still sitting on the table. I was still focusing on the group of girls and Karlee.

I ran my hand over my neck so I could find what possibly hurt me. Oh. It was a mosquito. Awesome.
This chapter what shitty... I know I know.

It was just a filler chapter considering I haven't updated in a long periolodically time.... Yeah k.

I'm hopefully gonna update again tonight soooo yeah.


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