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I arrived at Matt's grandparents. It was a small yellow house and had a little bush line that followed the siding. (I don't actually know what it looks like... Whoops)

All of a sudden, I heard Matt yell for me. He opened the gate and motioned for me to come to him. I ran over and he gave me a hug, I hugged back and we walked to the deck.

I looked at Matt and noticed he was all wet and his hair was droopy as if he was already in the water.

"I see you've already been in the pool." I giggled at the fact he wouldn't wait for me to get in with him.

"It just kinda happened." He smiled.

"Well I might as well get in too, huh?" Matt nodded.

I started to peel off my clothing. First, I slipped off my shoes, then I uncover myself from my cover-up. Soon, I revealed my black and white striped bikini.

I look up and notice Matthew just staring at me. I looked down at my slim, tan body and looked back up to him.

"What?" I asked, not sure of what he was staring at. Just then, the rest of the guys came out of the slider door to the house. I waved and the boys just grinned mischievously.

"Ooh. Matt, what's that I see?" Sammy pointed down to Matt's shorts and I did the stupidest and decided to look. And there it was. Matthew had a boner. {😂}

I quickly looked away and covered my mouth and tried not to laugh since Matt was apparently getting upset about this. All the guys started laughing and Matt stormed off into the house without saying a word to anyone.

I looked at the guys. They smiled and started "ooh"ing and hitting my arms in a playful way.

"Hey, Lindsay, that surprise was all because of you." Taylor winked. I blushed a little. "But, just to let you know, mine get way bigger than that." Everyone started laughing and pushing Taylor. Did he have a crush on me or something?

Taylor walked over to me and gently kissed my cheek.

I didn't feel anything with that. But... k.

"Whoa, man." Jack (j) started. "Don't be getting other girls while you have Rylee." Taylor shrugged and apologized to me.

The name Rylee always bugged me. I remember my mom talking on the phone with someone about a Rylee. They constantly fought, but that was probably because she's always drunk. My mom would never mention me to her sister because apparently they didn't approve of me... Whatever that means. I never heard nice things about Rylee anyway. Maybe that was why I didn't like it. Were they the same Rylee's? Nah. They can't be.

"Besides, she would obviously like to have some of Daddy." Sammy said pointing to himself.

"Nahhh... She wants Daddy 2.0" Jack (G) said while doing his body roll. I rolled my eyes and walked into the house, ignoring all the glances from the guys who were clearly checking me out.

When I walked in, a few lights were on, but I wasn't able to tell where Matt was or where he went.

"Matt?" I called out. "Maaaatt?" I said again. "Matthew Lee Espinosa!" I yelled. I got no response. "Fine. I'm leaving." I said. Right then is when I heard a door shut in the hallway in front of me.

I walked over and cracked the door open. And there I saw a very embarrassed Matthew.

"Matt?" I asked. "I'm not gonna laugh. I'm actually very -uh- flattered, I guess."

"Well, it's just embarrassing when someone points it out." He frowned.

I started to feel bad about all of this. I didn't realize I was taking my things off seductively. I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

I sat beside him and rubbed his back soothingly. Eventually, I leaned over and kissed his jaw line. Then I moved down to his neck, sliding up and down and finally stopped moving after I heard a sweet moan come out of his mouth. I continued, earning little groans from him.

All of a sudden, Matt jumped up and sprawled out on the bed we were next to. I smiled as he laid on his back and me hovering above. He pulled me onto him so I was straddling his waste. I could feel his hard bulge on my thighs. I started grinding on his waste.

We both moaned and groaned until he started to untie my bikini top.

Was I actually about to lose my virginity? To a guy I met about a week ago? This wasn't right.

"Matt." I said between a kiss.

"Yeah?" He breathed.

"We can't do this. Not here. Not now." I told him. He stopped untying and began to retie.

"I wasn't gonna let it get much farther anyway..." He said. I climbed off of him and let him get off the bed. We walked back out and all the guys were smirking.

I flicked a few off as they motioned their eyebrows to Matt every once in a while.

We were done swimming and I was now sitting in my car, waiting for Matt to come out and say goodbye. Once he saw me, he came running over.

"Hey, when do I get to come by your place and get to meet your folks and stuff?" Matt asked.

"Uhhhh, long story. But I don't actually have anyone I want you to meet and I'm currently staying in my car. I'm possibly gonna get a job at the hotel so I can stay there for free." I said, looking away from him, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Lindsay, you should've said something. You can stay with me if you want." He started. "I'm staying in this little duplex with a few of the guys." Matt told me.

"But I like hotels... They make me my own food, bring it to me, and they clean and restock my room. You don't get that in a duplex." I whined and giggled at the same time.

"We can order pizza, and I am a pretty clean person." He said confidently.

"Okay. I will. I'll just follow you there. Everything I need is already in my car." I said.

Once Matt started driving, I followed him. The Virginia summer sun was making my car hotter, so I turned on the AC. It started to get cooler and I balanced my head on my hand, with my elbow resting upon the door.

I started singing along with the radio and I sped up so I was closer to Matt's car. We drove to the duplex he was talking about and I parked across the street.
Sorry I totally changed this chapter.... But I didn't like how I had it so sorry if you did like it...

I don't know why you would because it sucked some major ass and I hated it.

Okay byeeeee

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