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I'm either sick or my allergies are kicking my fucking ass because I sneeze about every 3 minutes and it's so gross. I feel like that one fat lady off of vine that sneezes and fucking snot goes everywhere. Ugh. I hate this.
Lacey and I pulled apart from our, longer than expected, hug.

"I love you, Nash." She breathed into my shoulder and sniffled a bit.

"I love you, Lacey." My words stung because what she didn't know is that I've been talking to this other girl... HA SIKE. Nah, I just will miss her a lot.

Lacey began to walk back towards the room but I grasped her arm.

"Lacey," I started. "who's the guy?" I just wanted to know. Really bad.

"I don't think it's a good idea if you know who he is." She whispered, looking down at her shoes.

"Why? Is it someone I know? Please tell me it's not Hayes because that's fucking weird."

"NO!" She laughed. "It's just, it's someone that you have a good friendship with and I don't want yall to be enemies just because of some stupid girl that couldn't make up her mind."

Lacey isn't stupid. But since she won't tell me who it is, I know that it's someone here. Someone in Magcon. Besides the little Taylor thing in the room, the only person to show some sort of jealousy or likeness towards Lacey... is Carter.

But it couldn't be him. Carter is like a brother. Everyone here is. Why would one of them go behind my back like this?

I replied with a simple "okay" and we walked back in the room.

"Hey, good news guys," matt smiled, "Rylee and I are together now." Matt kissed her cheek and I gave him a blank expression. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I responded.

"Fix your man." Rylee told Lacey.

"He's not my man anymore." She said and they looked taken aback.

"I'm sorry guys, really." Matt said. I nodded and looked over at Taylor who was avoiding eye contact.

He looked over and saw me glaring at him.

"I think I'm gonna go check up on Mahogany and see her playlists for tomorrow's show." He awkwardly got up and walked out in silence to the next room.

The door shut and I glanced over at Lacey. She stutter-stepped and walked to her room.

"That wasn't awkward." Rylee said, breaking the silence. I chuckled and Matt put his arm around her. They were nice together. I could tell it was gonna last for a while.

I decided to go lay in my bed and tweet a good night tweet.

No matter what my reality status is, I will always be in a never ending relationship with you guys❤️

"That's cute Nash." Matt spoke as I turned off my phone. I laughed at his reaction to my tweet.

"Goodnight." I spoke quietly and turned off my side light.

I hope Nash wasn't taking this break up hard. As far as everyone else thinks, I'm still single.

I walked into the girls and I's room and I saw that Taylor was laying in my bed on his phone. Probably on vine or Twitter.

(FUN FACT OF THE DAY: two years ago this month (February), I found Taylor on Keek and I followed him when he only had like 200 followers and a few subscribers. K read on.)

I looked around and only saw Mahogany. I knew Rylee was in the other room, and that Ginlinsky was gone. Uh. K.

"Where's Karlee?" I asked the girl that had her head phones glued to her ears. She tapped the space bar on her computer and turned to me while sliding off her beats.

"She was supposed to go to a store and get something to snack on but she grabbed her swimsuit instead so I assume she's in the pool with Jack. And since she's there, I'm gonna go out to Hyvee or Walmart or something." Mahogany got up and walked out of the room.

I looked over at Taylor and he looked at me. Ugh. This was it. The time I've been waiting for, for so long.

Tay patted the side next to him on my bed and I jumped at the opportunity. I laid beside him and he put his arm around my shoulders. Holy Jesus he smelled good.

"Thanks." He chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"I try to smell good just for you." He flipped his non-existent hair and I laughed a little harder than I should of from embarrassment.

"Lacey, I just want to say something before I mess shit up." Taylor sat up and looked me dead in the eye. "I am a fuck boy." I giggled and covered my mouth even though it was true. "I flirt with other girls and I mess around... a lot. I don't cheat though. I don't do that because I know, and you would know, how that feels. It sucks ass. But I just want you to know, that no matter how terrible of a boyfriend I look, I am truly loyal to my girl. And also I want you to know... I'm a virgin."

I was shocked. But what about the condo incident?

"I know that I don't act like it, and I almost lost it to you at the condo, but I haven't actually gave it to anyone yet." I felt so weird about this now. It wasn't a bad weird but just.. weird.

"Oh." Is all I said.

"I probably should've just kept that to me, but you deserve to know."

"I wish I could say the same but me being retarded gave it up..." I shrugged. I guess I really should've waited giving up my v-card but I thought Nash and I were gonna be together forever.

Taylor started making that really fucking weird noise and he leaned back a bit, "NASH'S COCK!" He yelled. I started laughing and fell to my side on the bed.

"Is it bad that I love you already?" I asked and smiled at him. He shook his head and leaned over and connected our lips.

His lips were so soft and he just seemed so experienced. How does he hide it so well? He literally yells cock and wiener with an obnoxious noise every time it's quiet.... What the even fuck.

Taylor parted his mouth and I did the same. I felt his braces brush against my lip and I smiled. Braces and a virgin? He was just a kid still. (You sound like a fucking cougar... STAHP IT)

I began to run my hands at the hem of his shirt. He slowly removed my hands and I pulled away... this is gonna be a hard relationship if it's going to be like this.

"I'm sorry." Taylor told me.

"No, it's fine. I'm stupid. I should've taken the hint that now is not the time." I laughed and climbed off my bed.

"No, I'm a dumb shit for starting this. This is my fault. I'm just.. not in the mood right now." He explained. I fake smiled and went over to my bag and grabbed clothes to sleep in.

The door suddenly bursted open and Karlee and Jack walked in.

"Oh my god." I covered my eyes at the sight of Jack being naked. I turned and faced away from the door and looked at Taylor.

He stood up and walked towards me.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe." He whispered and kissed my cheek.

"No. Stay." I pulled his toned arm and whispered, "I don't want to be left alone with them." He laughed.

"Ooooooh. Don't worry, I won't tell Nash." Jack slurred.

Go home you're drunk.

"Nash and I aren't together anymore." I told him.

"Get some fucking clothes on, man." Tay told Jack.

"I know, I know. Give me a second." Jack groaned. He put on a pair of boxers. Good enough for me. I turned around and walked to the bathroom to change for bed.

Ugh. Taylor and i's relationship was gonna be harder than I thought.

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