555 19 20

Im currently sitting on the toilet at my school and I don't want to leave this stall... Like, I fucking own it, all of you get the hell out of this bathroom its mine😂😂

I also don't want to leave because I don't like my Math teacher. He got caught watching porn a couple years back and I think he secretly watches me practice volleyball after school...
Fuckin creep.
*next day*

My eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed as I rolled over. The sunlight peered through the hotel curtain and I turned my head the opposite direction. My vision was really blurry but finally it settled on the sleeping Matt in front of me.

Hah. I guessed I dozed off here last night.

Little snores came from him and it was so cute. He fidgeted occasionally from his dreams and it reminded me of a dog.

I snuggled up into him more and I kissed his chin.

He has a nice chin.

"A little higher." He told me. I didn't respond from my confusion and he explained himself. "My lips are up here." Matthew pointed to his lips and I smiled.

I began to lean up but I started to hear an annoying noise go off repeatedly before I could do anything.

"Shit." Matt said.


"Magcon is in 30 minutes."

"WHAT?! I'm a girl! You need to tell me an hour before we need to leave, let alone, when we need to be there!" I jumped out of the warm, comfy, bed and ran to my room with the girls.

"Quick! I need hel-" I trailed off as I realized everyone was gone. Well shit, thanks for leaving without even waking us up.

I ran over to my suitcase and pulled out light wash high wasted shorts and a floral crop top.

I put dry shampoo in my hair, because who has time to shower, and the straightened my short dark brown hair. I also snatched the flower crown and placed it nicely on my head.

"You go glen coco." I said in the mirror.

I brushed my teeth, and did my makeup. When I was finished, I ran over to the door and slipped on my white vans.

I admired myself in the mirror before I walked out with Matt to the second Magcon event.

I woke up at 5 this morning to hear Jack throwing up and coughing miserably in the bathroom. I sighed and slowly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake up Lace, Tay, and Lox. Jack did have a lot to drink last night but I didn't think it was going to be bad. And it's not like we got hammered and did cocaine as well ... it was just a little meth guys it okay. (Jk Karlee is funny✊)

My eyes felt old and crumbly as I stumbled over to the bright room to see my poor Jack laying on the floor. His eyes were blood shot and he was constantly shivering.

"Is my baby sick?" I asked him, laughing lightly. He slowly nodded and grabbed his stomach as he lurched forward and threw up again.

"Can you grab me my sweatshirt?" He asked me, his voice cracking.

"No, you need to be open and cool. To be honest, you would feel better if you took your shirt off and just leaned up against the wall and drank some water." I mommed him.

(This is real shiz right now. Like, I know I'm a girl and "ew you take your shirt off" well yeah, but it helps and it's not like I'm not wearing a bra sooooo... But in all seriousness, everything I say about sickness in this chapter is real shit👌)

He sighed a little bit and took off his shirt.

I went over to the sink and grabbed a little plastic cup that was sitting beside it. I quietly put cold water in it and gave it to Jack.

He slowly drank the liquid and he leaned back against the wall. I climbed up and sat on the sink counter and watched intently on his next move.

"Well now we know that vodka is definitely not your drink." I laughed and he sent a grimace back at me. I put my hands up in surrender and he planted a small smile on his lips.

Jack didn't look really sick, but he looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. Jack nodded like a little kid. "Seriously babe, you're not going to Magcon like this." He looked hurt and I crossed my arms.

He tried to speak but nothing came out. Jack rubbed his chest and thoughts jumbled in my head.

"Maybe it's not just the alcohol... are you actually sick?" I questioned. Jack gave me an 'I guess' look and shrugged. "Well, when the guys leave, I'll take you to a doctor and we'll get you medicine and then we'll raid Dollar General and get all the junk food in there and then we'll watch Netflix and bam. Sex." I laughed and Jack smiled cheekily.

"Yeah, if you want an STD or Aids or something. I don't know why I'm so sick." He croaked. His voice was hoarse and almost at whisper level.

"I'm just kidding. But you'll feel better later." I added. He replied with a quiet 'okay' and I hopped off the sink.

I quietly walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone. I decided to go in he hallway and call Bart and tell him about Jack.

"The girls are gonna be so upset." I said to Bart.

"Well, they have to understand that he is just like them. He gets sick and has to deal with it just like everybody else." Bart laughed.

"Okay. Well, thanks Bart." (Go ahead. Comment the hashtag)

"No problem. I'll swing by with the guys after the event and I'll check up with Jack."

"K cool. See you later." He hung up and I went back in the room.

As I walked in, I was shocked to see what I did, Jack was eating cold pizza from 2 days ago and was sitting on the bed in his Magcon sweatshirt and basketball shorts.

"Weren't you just dying a couple minutes ago?" I asked him, pointing to the bathroom.

"I honestly just wanted to get out of Magcon. I wanted to hang out with my boo bear." {goalz af amirite ladies} Jack smirked.

"But you had projectile vomit." I questioned.

"Well, it wasn't as bad as I made it look. I mean, the drinks didn't settle right exactly but eh." He shrugged and took a bite of his pizza.

"You're a dumb ass." I smiled.

Ugh, I can't wait for today.

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