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I felt my body jerk to the side and a pain wave came over me.

"AGH!" I yelled in shock. I looked over and saw a medical worker.

"I NEED A CUTTER OVER HERE!" He yelled at the other helpers. "Miss, can you tell me your name?"

"Karlee." I said almost out of breath. I was having trouble breathing and a girl came up and gave me a breathing mask.

A fireman showed up with a giant saw thing.

Oh shit.




"I need you to close your eyes and calm down. This will only hurt a little bit." I did as told and started breathing. I felt a vibration on my legs and it only hurt a little bit, like she said.

{for the people that think she's getting her legs cut off, she's not😂. It's the thingy that they use for when people are stuck in cars during a car crash scene thing and yeah}

Eventually, it stopped. I opened my eyes and the whole front half of Jack's car was gone. The glove box was off my leg and I looked down at my bloody wounds.

I could see a lot of muscles in my thighs that I probably shouldn't be seeing.

"Oh my god." I looked away and became light headed.

The ambulance guys lifted me up on to a gurney and I was rolled to the truck.

"Karlee!" I heard someone.

I turned my head ever so slightly and I saw Rylee.

She was also dripping blood so I knew she was in the opposing vehicle. She started walking up to me and I gave her a week smile.

"I'm so sorry, Karlee. Matt didn't see you guys when you swerved and it just happened so fast." Rylee cried a little.

"Where's Matthew?" I asked her. She put her head down and shook it. Oh shit. He didn't make it.

"He's having trouble breathing and he was the first one rushed to the ER." She told me. I sighed of relief. At least he's not dead.

*dramatic siren blur and rush to the hospital.*

*after leg surgery bc it just sounds right if she has it😂*

I just started to wake up and I looked around the room. It was a little hazy but nothing too bad.

"You're awake?" I heard a raspy girl voice. Lacey. She came up beside me and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're okay." She smiled.

I hugged her back even tighter because I honestly love her and I'm thankful that I didn't die because I need her to eat my large pizza's with.

The doctor walked in shortly after and pulled up a chair with a clipboard.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Davis. But most patients call me Cami." She smiled. I responded with a quiet, 'hi' and she sat beside my bed.

"I need to ask you a couple questions regarding the accident because we need to make sure that nothing like brain damaged occurred during the surgery." She told me. I nodded and she carried on with a bunch of questions like what my full name was, family members, where we were, where we were going, ect.

"Looks like you are doing just fine." Cami smiled. "I'm guessing that you probably want to know where Jack is?" She asked me. I totally forgot about him. I quickly nodded. "Well, he is okay. But he is kinda in a coma. We have not tested far enough to diagnose the coma but he is currently sleeping as if he is ready to be in one." I sighed and she grabbed my hand.

"I'm sure if you talked to him, he would come through." Dr. Davis winked at me. I smiled. She got up and stood in the doorway. "If you have any questions about anything, just ask."

"I do have one." I said. "Does anybody know where my Beef Burrito Supreme with no onions went?"

"Oh that was yours?" She made a face and quickly walked out.

"I was looking forward to eating those burritos though." I laughed.

Lacey laughed with me and she smiled really big.

"What?" I asked.

"YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" She squealed. I giggled and nodded a bit.

Karlee and I talked for a little bit and she eventually fell asleep while I talked to her.

I quietly walked out of the room and closed the door.

Once I turned the corner to the waiting room, I saw Taylor.

He was sitting in a chair, bouncing his leg, and resting his head in his hands.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked once he saw me.

"Nobody told you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"They all died." I whispered. Taylor looked at me and I cracked a smile.

"Don't fucking do that!" He pushed me. One of the nurses gave him a dirty look and I laughed.

"I'm sorry." I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

He kissed the top of my head and I explained everything to him about how everyone is and yeah.

"TMZ came by earlier and I told them to fuck off and find a different story to over exaggerate." Taylor chuckled.

"Where is everybody else?" I asked.

"Bart called a little meeting thing."

"Why aren't you there?"

"I'm done with Bart's shit. Matt quit. I wanna be done as well. I want to make my own tour." He said truthfully.

"OOH! I could manage you!" I cheered. "I could get all the dates and places and cities ready and it will be so cool!"

"What are you talking about? You're apart of the tour." He chuckled.

"Tay, I can't do that." I sighed.

"Why not?" He asked, a little confused.

"Nash. It's too soon for Nash to see who it is that I've went to. Nobody can know about us yet." I whispered to him.

"If we can't be known then we can't be together." Taylor shook his head and pushed my arms off of him.

"Wait. What?"

"You heard me." He said as he walked out of the hospital.

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