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*okay..so, I'm personally getting tired of writing about this Magcon show ... Somebody should've smacked me and told me just to get to the point. I think next time I write about a magcon stop, I'm just gonna skim through it and yeah👌*

*we're gonna skip over the show. Let's pretend is was the bomb.com and everyone had a blast. k?*

"THANK YOU DALLAS!" Nash yelled into the microphone as he left the stage. The girls screamed and everyone then started to scramble out of the doors.

The first official Magcon was over and it was so fun. All the fans were amazing. The girls and I didn't actually go on stage and see them but we were backstage and heard them. Mahogany dj'd and she was so amazing it was literally the shit👌.

"Do you guys want to go get something to eat?" I asked everyone.

"I kinda want to go back to the hotel and just order a pizza." Karlee stated.

"Yeah. I think we'll head to the hotel. You guys can grab something if you want." Gilinsky said.

"Awwwwww. Ya'll are gonna frickle frackle!!" Rylee squealed. The guys started oohing and I bumped Karlee a bit.

"If it's this big of a deal, I'll stay in my room and lock the door so he can't get in." Karlee giggled.

"You make it sound like I'm the one that wants to get laid!" Jack shouted. I mumbled a "you are" under my breath and all the guys started oohing again.

"I want a girls night." Rylee said. I guess it's best if we get along now and then maybe be better later... Whatever works.

"Yeah, Karlee. You should come." I said. I didn't want to be alone with Rylee. That's was a definite no.

"I don't want to go anywhere, sorry. I just want to watch a movie and lay around for tonight."

"You're no fun." I stuck my tongue out and she did the same. "I guess it's just us." I motioned to Rylee.

"Sounds good." She smiled and I laughed.

*2 hours later*

Bart had the rooms for the hotel set up so the girls had a separate room from the guys, but it was connected by a door.

Everyone was in their room and it was about 3:30. I decided to change into something a little more comfy. I was a little uneasy about going with Rylee by myself but I eventually had to get over this grudge I'm holding and move on with life.

I changed into black leggings that ended at my ankles, a purple cut up t-shirt and a black bandeau. (It's like a muscle tank but it's cut all the way down the side... yeah k) I then walked over to my bag and put on my black vans. I decided to brush out my red hair and let if fall down to my arms.

I left my makeup the way it was for Magcon and I walked out of the bathroom. Mahogany was making another music playlist for the next event, Karlee was laying on her bed on her phone, and Rylee was texting someone. Probably Matt. I ship #Ratt.

I decided to grab my phone off the coffee table and I walked towards the connector door. I knocked and then opened it and then walked in.

Nash was vining everyone and stuck his phone in each persons face. Wow. This is what the actually do when they're alone? ... okay then.

"Hey babe." Nash said.

"What up my white nigga?" I poked him in the side and he jumped and laughed.

"You wish you were black." Carter snapped.

"Nah man, I wish I was Mexican." I smiled.

(I seriously want to be Mexican so bad it's not even funny. I'm fucking pasty ass white and it's not fun. I want to be permanently tan. Ugh. Life struggles.)

"I thought you were goin' out with Rylee." Nash laughed at us.

"Do you not want me here?" I asked, pretending to be hurt.

"You know I would much rather have you be here." He said in a sexy voice and pulled my arms, leading me closer to him. I smiled and looked into his eyes. They were full of lust.

"Get another room please." Carter scrunched his little asian face.

(I hope nobody takes my smart remarks serious. I just realized how racist this is. But there just jokes! I don't want to offend anybody!)

"Nobody else seems to care." Nash said.

"Why are you watching anyway?" I questioned.

"Whatever man." Carter stormed out for no reason. The fuck? Okay.

I looked back at Nash and he scrunched his face. Nash and I were still inches apart from our bodies touching and he yanked me in so I was completely touching him. I started remembering the thoughts from the plane, about how I didn't feel anything in the kiss.

I haven't changed my mind. I still feel like there's nothing there.

I heard a knock on the connector door and Rylee waked in.

"Are you ready?" She asked me. I nodded and walked with her out of the room.

|now they're outside|

Rylee and I walked out of the hotel and the hot air hit me in the face.

"Ugh. It's fucking hot." I complained as we started walking down the empty streets of Texas.

"That's actually cause I'm here." Rylee started fanning her face and I laughed.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

"Me too." She sighed. "I was being stupid and I should've told him no."

We walked next to this tree area and there was a fence and a gate. We kept walking until we reached the opening.

"No. You were right. I should've forgave you as fast as I forgave Nash." We stopped walking and just looked at each other. I gave her a hug and we stood there for a long time.

"I love you." Rylee said into my shoulder.

"I love you too." I spoke softly into her thin brown hair.

We pulled apart and laughed at each other. God, I missed her.

I missed being able to talk to Lacey again. Being able to call her my friend. Being able to say that we were finally good.

"We should do something stupid." I told Lacey. "Something we will regret later."

"We're 17 what are we gonna do?" She laughed.

It took us a minute to come up with something. We looked around and we finally spot it. Lacey looked at me and I smirked. In unison we both said,

"Abandoned Amusement Park."

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