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I almost shit myself when I dropped my phone and it balanced on the Nutella jar rim.... Literal heart attack rn😂

Matt and I were minutes away from being late to Magcon.

"Rylee. We need to leave now." Matt wrapped his arms around me from behind and looked at us in the mirror.

"I'm not the one that took 10 minutes to do my hair." I joked as I finished my last coat of mascara.

"No, but you took 20 to change into 3 different shirts and then go back to your first choice." He shot back.

"Fuck you."

"You wish." Our relationship is literally life.

"Maybe later." I smiled.

"See you at 8." Matthew winked and I think I died.

"We have to go." I said as I grabbed Matt's hand and dragged him out of the hotel room.

We began walking down our floor's hallway and made it to the elevator. We step inside and Matt turned to me.

"I don't want to go to Magcon." He sighed. Fuck, check for Mosquitos. Nothing was there so I knew this was real.

"Matt, you're one of the most liked guys there. You have to go." Oh god, I sounded like a mom telling their kid to go to school.

"Can I tell you something and you swear you won't tell anyone?" Matthew looked at me with his deep brown eyes.

"Of course." I nodded.

"I over heard Bart on the phone at the venue yesterday and he was talking to the guy who helps him with Magcon, and all they were talking about was money. Like, Bart was gonna raise the prices of the tickets to meet and greets and then VIP is going to be at least $50 more than it is already." Matt looked so hurt saying this.

"Well, maybe you just misheard him." I tried to explain.

"No, he specifically said 'Magcon' and that's when I lost it and I just left. Fans shouldn't have to pay to see us. We're just people who downloaded an app and it went big eventually. Like seriously, I'm not famous." {hehe see what I did there?}

"Said the guy with 5 million followers." I murmured.

"Rylee. I'm being serious." I looked at him and he sighed. I could tell that he was really upset.

"Well, maybe you could make your own tour." I smiled. "Then it could be at your price standards and also, you can bring" I slowly leaned forward and kissed him. "whoever-you-want." I said between kisses.

"That's actually a good idea." He agreed when we pulled apart. "But I still don't want to go today." He whined.

"Ugh. I don't know what to tell you other than the fact that you need to go."

"No way in hell am I going to see Bart now that I know his business inquires. Ha, no." He fake laughed.

"Then you call him and say that you quit. Bart doesn't deserve to have you and act like you guys are family and then you know that he's only in it for the money."

"Preach gurl." Matthew flipped his 'hair' and I giggled.

After our talk, the tall elevator reached the lobby. It made a loud ding and then the doors slid open.

We walked out, hand in hand, and then a group of fans stopped us.

"Oh my gawd I like totally love you and stuff." She smacked her gum and played with her blonde hair. She looked like the total slut. Blonde hair, cake face, fake eyelashes, boobs hanging out of her too small of a shirt. Not to mention that her skirt was higher than her IQ.

"Oh, thanks. I love you too." Matt smiled and hugged her. She embraced the hug and kissed his cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark. {OH MAH GAWD ITS CAM'S PHOTOSHOOT AHAHAHAHA}

"Can I get a picture?" Barbie asked Matt, still smacking her gum with every chew.

"Uh, yeah." He agreed. She took 3 different pictures before I started to not give a shit anymore.

"Babe, we need to go." I reminded him.

"Right." He said.

"Wait, one more?" She begged, batting the horse hair on her eye lines.

"Okay." Matthew went back and she leaned over to him and kissed below his jaw line.

Only I can do that. Watch out bitch.

Honey, you got a big storm comin.

Matt let out a small, very quiet, moan and he looked shocked as well as I was.

"That was hot." She whispered in his ear.

"Okay. I'm fucking done with your fake ass." I pulled Matt and wiped all of the lipstick marks off of his face.

"Sorry, bitch, I didn't realize that you were relevant." She looked at me.

"Okay whatever, I'll see you hanging up in the clearance section at Walmart. Bye." I flipped her off and Matt and I walked pu of the hotel.

God, today had a rough start.

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