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Am I the only one that does not like the new wattpad update? It counts how many words are in my chapters and I feel like it has to be longer sometimes....

And then at the end of the chapter, the little bar thing pops up at the bottom. Wtf why is that there?



Okay. Now, what you have all been waiting for, the official, chapter it self.

Enjoy all 22k of you readers. Ilysfm❤️ k.
I woke up to the sun light peering through my hospital room window. Ugh. Why do we have blinds if they don't fucking work?


"Karlee?" I heard someone.

"Oh, hey, Johnson." I said hey to Jack sitting in the chair beside me. He had a huge grin on his face and I was kinda confused. "What?"

"Jack. He's awake." He smiled.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled. "I need to go see him!" I said. I forgot about my legs and tried to move them. A pain wave over came my lower half and I screeched in pain.

"NURSE!" Johnson yelled, trying to help me back into my original spot.

Two nurses stormed through the door and helped me back into the bed.

"What on earth were you doing?" One asked me.

"I honestly don't fucking know." I am so stupid sometimes... this is so embarrassing.

"Here are some pain killers." The second one handed me 3 pills and a small cup of water. I took them and laid back. "The medicine will start to kick in soon, and then you will start to get tired. So just relax and rest for next week because you won't be going home until at least next Thursday."
{let's say it's Friday rn}

I nodded and started to relax a bit. The ladies left and Johnson went with them so I could sleep.

I usually always want to sleep, but now that I'm supposed to, I don't want to.

I left the accident in one piece.

Karlee went with open fleshed legs.

Jack had a major concussion and some stitches on his shoulder from a glass shard.

Matt on the other hand, was knocked out, not responding, definitely a broken bone or two. He just has it so much worse.

The first day in here was the worst. I had to take a bunch of tests to make sure I wasn't suffering from any damage. Which I wasn't. I mean, my headaches have been like migraines but nothing new, really.

Today, being the second day, was now the time that all the stress is coming over me.

I sat in the waiting room and I started to get another headache. Ugh. This sucks major ball sack. My head fell in my hands and warm tears escaped my eyes. I wasn't weeping like most people do, it was more of me just letting the tears go.

I leaned back in the very uncomfortable seat and sat there for a good 15 minutes before a doctor came out.

"Matthew Espinosa." He called. I quickly shot up and walked over to him.

"Is he okay? Is he awake?" I asked him.

"He is awake but he is only responding a little bit. He isn't really talking much and we don't know why. Is he more of a talker at home?" He asked me.

"Matt's an entertainer. He goes and meets his fans and performs for them, of course he's a loud, obnoxious, funny guy." I answered.

"Well, maybe you should come look at this." I was so scared to see Matthew. I didn't know what to expect.

We slowly made our way down to the rooms and he cracked the door open.

"Matthew, you have a visitor." Doctor told him. I didn't hear a response and my heart fell. "You can just go in. I'll leave you two alone for a bit."

I quietly walked into the small room. I saw Matt just laying in the bed barely living. This killed me on the inside, I didn't know what to feel at the moment.

"Hey, baby." I whispered as I sat down in the chair next to his bed. Matt looked my way and we stared for a bit. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He blinked a few times and didn't say anything. I don't understand. Nothing was holding him back from speaking.

"Matt. Please say something."

"I love you."

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