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(Let's say that it's the next day and it's now FRIDAY)


The first Magcon ever was gonna be held tomorrow in Dallas, Texas. Everyone was scrambling back and forth from the duplex to condo making sure that they had everything. It sucks that we live on either side of the neighborhood.

Karlee, Lacey and I are gonna be the merch people who give out the guys' merch and then we are also helping with setting up the tables and stuff. Lacey is filming the vlogs for Nash and Taylor, Karlee has Jack, and I have Matt. I guess it's kinda cool, seeing all their fans and stuff.

"Rylee! Move your ass! LETS GO!" Karlee yelled.

"I'm coming!" I ran down the stairs and carried my bags to the limo we were taking to the airport.

I climbed in and all the seats were taken except for the one next to Lacey.

"I'll just sit on the floor." I mumbled.

"There's a seat right there." Carter pointed to her. I gave him a stupid look and he put his hands up like a victim.

"Your a dumbass." I rolled my eyes and got comfy on the floor.

After about 20 minutes, we arrived in the parking lot and the group walked into the airport. Oh god... I hope no one tweeted or anything about where we're go-

"MATT!" A girl screamed. Well, shit in my Cheerios and call it chocolate cereal. What the fuck? Who said something?

"AHHHHHHH!!!" A group of girls came over and started blocking us from security.


"Love you too." He mumbled.

"OH MY GAWD HAMILTON NASH GRIER LOVES ME!!!!" Bitch, shut the hell up and move. (Moooove bitch, get out the way, get out the way bitch, get out the way)

I pushed through and made a way to get around and to security. One of the security guys called for backup and they blocked the girls from us. Thank you baby Jesus.

Security didn't take long, considering they realized we were in a hurry.

"We have to get a spot with nobody around because somebody is bound to see us again. If not, they already did." Taylor said.

"What about over there." Johnson pointed down to an open bench and a few seats.

"That works." Lacey took off and sat down. She threw her bags there as well and just looked at us slowly walking to the seats.

I looked at my phone. "Ugh. It's only 9:38." I groaned.

"Well what do you expect? We live in Virginia. And we need to get to Texas." Karlee stated.

"We're only on the plane for 3 hours... Why couldn't we leave till 5 or something?"

"We need to set up for the event and find out what we're doing on stage and then get meet and greet things ready." Matthew told me. I sighed and sat down. I put my head in my hands and began to drift off to sleep.


The person called our flight on the intercom thing and we all began to walk to the gate. I looked back and saw that Rylee was asleep. I smiled and quickly dragged my bags again, back to the bench.

"Rylee, we have to board our flight. C'mon." She opened her eye and smiled.

"Okay." She whispered. She stood up and groggily walked to the gate.

When Bart bought our tickets, he made them so we would all sit together. So basically, we just found out little section and sat next to whoever. I sat next to Rylee and I smiled at her.

"Your cute when you sleep." I chuckled.

"Am I not cute now?" She playfully snapped.

"Nah man. You's an ugly hoe." Her jaw dropped and she started giggling. "I was kidding." I laughed. She hit my chest with the back of her hand and I grabbed it.

I looked at her in the eyes and she looked back. Rylee's brown eyes were so pretty. And her brown hair fell perfectly in her face. Our fingers interlocked and our hands remained on my chest.

I started to lean over and she did the same. Then it happened.

I kissed her.

I left my phone in my locker on accident yesterday and I forgot about it. HOLY SHIT! IM SORRY! I WOULD'VE UPDATED YESTERDAY BUT HERE IS THIS TODAY!

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