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*Lindsay's POV*

"Are you k-kidding me?" My mom asked me. She threw her vodka glass on the floor and it shattered, making me jump. Alcohol went everywhere and it would definitely stain the floor because she wouldn't pick it up.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I can't be home when your like this! Your always drunk and it's like you never respect me! Your honestly an alcoholic and you need help." My eyes started watering.

"I'm n-not even that d-drunk." She slurred, stumbling as she tried to sit down.

"Right. And I'm guessing your not high even though your eyes are blood shot and you can't talk with out stuttering?"

"Listen here you little bitch, your going to live in Virginia and your going to stay here. You can't change me because I'm happy with the way I am." My drunk of a mother said from the tiny couch.

"Yes, because bringing a different guy home every night is a good thing. Your happy because your a slut and a whore and you fuck everything that has a credit card to buy you a drink." I spilled. "I'm done with your shit." I picked up a piece of glass, that was on the floor, and threw it at her. She flinched as it hit her and she rolled off the couch to the ground. (SOME READER THOUGHT THAT LINSDAY KILLED HER MOM?! HAH NO!)

I ran out to my car faster than I have ever ran before. She's usually intoxicated and very high but this has to be a different streak for her. I'm done.

•3 hours of driving later•

I drove to the closest Starbucks. I was in need of my guilty pleasure. I walked in and there was a group of guys sitting at a table. I've seen them before. They're always here.

One kept staring at me. Beautiful brown eyes, nice smile, nice style, shaggy dirty blonde hair. (If you don't get it- it's matt😂) He smirked at me and I blushed.

I walked up to the barista and ordered a Double Chocolate Chip Frappé.


The barista asked for my name and I told them, Lindsay. She smiled and walked back to make my order. I stood off to the side and waited. I looked down at my IPhone and tried texting my dad. He never answered and I started feeling my heart drop because my parents are practically shit holes.

After a few minutes, I heard snickering from the group of guys.

When I looked over, the shaggy blonde was making his way (downtown) over to me.

"Hey, I'm Matthew." He grinned, putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"LINDSAY!" The lady called out. I walked over and grabbed my delicious drink.

"Well I guess you know who I am." I giggled a little. Matt nodded, and chuckled a little as well.

"I see we like the same drink." He showed me his -almost gone- frappe chino. I nodded and smiled. "I like your smile." He said out of the blue.

"Oh-uh... Thanks." I looked away from embarrassment. I hate my teeth since I used to have braces and everyone says they should be perfect but... I don't like my teeth.

"Can I get your number?" Matt asked me. My mind told me no but my head nodding told me, and Matt, yes. He was so hot. Ugh. Just fuck me in the asshole please.

He handed me his phone and I put my number in. He did the same for mine and I took my phone and left.

When I reached my car, Matt texted me.

Matthew💕- do you want to hang out?

I laughed. I watched as the cute boy walked out to my Mitsubishi Eclipse. I rolled down my window and he bent down to rest his arms on the open square.

"So? Do you want to get out of here and see a movie or something?" Matt asked me. His smile was irresistible. I've seen him around a lot but, I just fully met him like 5 minutes ago.

"I'm not even dressed nice enough for a date!" I exclaimed. I was currently wearing a purple/blue tie-dye muscle shirt with fringes hanging on the bottom, ripped Jean shorts, and purple vans. My hair was blonde and it hung loose to a little above my elbow. My make up was easy- black eyeliner and mascara.

"Well I think you look beautiful in what your wearing. So, I suggest you just wear that." He told me. I smiled and bit my lip while looking down.


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