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Oh my fucking jesus sandals mother of shit.

It can't be.

Fuck. It is.

This is not okay.

"Matt stop." I told him.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked me. I can't seriously tell him what's wrong... can I?

"Uh- I can't exactly do this right now." I stalled.

"Oh... I just thought-" I cut him off.

"No! It's not you, it's seriously me. Well, my body." I laughed. He raised an eyebrow at me and I shook my head.

I climbed out from beneath Matthew and grabbed my clothes he previously ripped off. {😂}

I went to the bathroom and checked things. Turns out, I didn't actually start my period. I just had to pee.


I did my business and walked out fully clothed again.

"Nash just texted me saying that Magcon is almost over and they were gonna go get pizza. Should we go?" Matt asked.

"It's up to you." I slouched next to him on the couch and he nodded.

I stared out the big window on the French doors behind us for a long time.

I wonder what it would be like if Matt and I were a famous couple that had to live out in the middle of nowhere in a big house and we would have little Espinosa's running around and a few dogs that were lazy and laid around the house all day.

Hmmmm... Sometimes I realize that I'm growing up fast.

I mean, at first, I'm just a little 17 year old who lives in Virginia.

Now, I'm dating a famous viner and we're on tour in Texas. Well, we were.

I'm with my best friends and I've made new friends on the way through this journey.

"Rylee." Matt broke my train of thoughts and I focused on him. "We need to go back to the hotel and pack."

"What? Why?" I asked frantically.

"Because we're going back to Virginia tomorrow. I don't want to go get pizza because Bart is most likely there. I just want to go home and forget about this. Magcon just wasn't meant to be my thing." He sighed. I could tell Matt didn't want to leave his new family but Magcon isn't the place for him anymore.

"Oh okay. Let's go then." We walked out of the beautiful house and to Matt's car. He sped off and drove back to the hotel.

As we were driving back to the hotel, Matt got a phone call. He picked it up and answered.

"What." He said bluntly. I could here the other person kind of yelling but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Bart, I don't want to listen to your bullshit right now. I'm done with Magcon and there is nothing that can change that." Matt hung up on Bart and tossed his phone in the back seat, clearly angry.

Matt clenched the wheel a little to tight and I started to feel a bit uneasy. I slowly put on my seat belt and I watched as his knuckles became white from his grip.

"Babe, are you okay?" I asked, trying to cam him down.

Matt took an unexpected, sharp, turn. My head smacked against the car window and I grasped my head in pain.

I started to get a booming headache. I looked up and saw that Matt found a gravel road. He was still going fast and it scared me.

"MATT WATCH OUT!" I screamed as another car impaled the side of the car.

Everything went in slow motion after the full collision of the cars.

All day, Jack has been driving us around in his rental SUV that he got for this trip. [ remember he called in "sick"]

Jack and I were currently in the drive-thru of Taco Bell because why the fuck not.

Jack pulled up to the little speaker thing and ordered.

"Thanks." He told the lady that handed him the box of tacos.

Jack rounded the corner and we were off to God knows where.

"So your birthday is coming up soon." Jack broke the silence.

"What? Oh. Yeah." I replied.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"Um..." I started thinking more into it and I realized that I don't really want anything. I'm turning 18 and I pretty much have everything I need. "Maybe just more traveling. I want to go on tour like you guys. But that's not really a present. It's just something I want to do."

"Well, I think you should get everything you want. And if you want to travel and go on tour, then we will do that. What if we bought a tour bus and traveled across the U.S in it and stopped at events to meet fans. And, to top it off, we can film a documentary of your uprising fame and put it on YouTube."

"That sounds amazing!" I exclaimed.

I turned on the radio and started listening to music.

"We should take the long way back." Jack suggested.

"As long as I can eat a warm taco in bed, then I'm down for anything." He chuckled at my stupidity.

Jack turned on to a gravel road. Dust was flying everywhere and we were having the time of our lives.

He started driving a little to fast for my likeness but I trust him, he wouldn't put me in danger.

Just then, another car came into sight and it was hauling ass towards us. All of a sudden, Jack lost control of the wheel.

The two cars collided and I screamed.

All I wanted was my damn tacos.

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