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Merry Hanukkwanzaa!!!
(See what I did here? 😂)

I'm currently in the car on my way to my uncles house to celebrate with my dads side of the family.

It's about a 15 minute drive and I find it awkward writing about the dirty in the backseat of my moms car.

Oh well! Enjoy this chapter😂


I admired my clothing in the mirror. My clothes consisted of my dark wash jeans, a white t-shirt and a short sleeve black leather jacket. Along with that, I wore my square diamond studs, and a black snap back. I walked over to the door and put on my white Nike Airs.

Carter, Sam, Johnson, Cameron and I met up in the living room. Lindsay kept kissing Sam, and we were all disgusted, including me.

"Why don't you just stay here, Wilk?" I suggested.

"See? Even Matt wants you to stay." Lindsay nagged.

"Well, I- uh-" Sam started. "Okay..." He took off his jacket and shoes and the guys left without him.

The guys and I made our way to Cameron's SUV and got in.

Cameron drove, Johnson sat up front and then Carter and I shared the back seat.

We jammed out to our favorite songs on the way to the strip club. I was actually having fun. I miss Lindsay, don't get me wrong, but it was almost as if she held me back. Like, I couldn't be myself around her. Right now, I was having fun.

*Strip Club*
**i can't imagine Matt at a strip club... Oh well**

The guys and I arrive at the club. We showed the security our "ID's" and walked in. The music was blasting and half naked girls were everywhere.

"Do you boys need a table?" A girl asked. She was wearing a tiny black leather top and then black bottoms. She wore fish net leggings and knee high black leather boots. I nodded and she smiled.

We followed the sexy employee to a table near the stage and poles.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go ask these people a question real quick." Johnson told us and ran to the front desk. He came back with a girl and she smiled. "This is Matt. Matt, this is Sara." Johnson pointed to me and smirked.

Sara wore a blue skanky outfit. But I liked it. Everything was skin tight and small but didn't show anything. She sat in my lap and started moving seductively.

"Johnson, thank you." I laughed.

Sara turned to face me and straddled my waste. I put my hands on her hips and she took them off.

"Don't touch." She grimaced. The guys laughed at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to let my boner get harder and harder.

Sara knew I had one because she smiled and started grinding on it. She grabbed my face and stuck her tongue down my throat. The guys started clapping and whistling. She stopped and started to whisper in my ear. (Don't you fucking dare comment that shit😂)

"Your 5 minutes are up, but here's my number, call me later if you want more than just a lap dance." She climbed off of me and walked away, leaving a piece of paper in my pocket.

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