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Okay, so in the next few chapters, until I get rid of her, Taylor Alecia is just gonna be referred to as Alecia. It's just easier to write that than TayAlecia or Taylor A. or Taylor{Alecia} like no. It's just easier k? k.
"I have a better idea." I smirked. Matt looked at me weird and I took his hand. We slowly made our way out of the back of the venue and ran into the parking lot, making sure nobody saw us. I kept looking and looking until I found the car.

I pulled him over and smiled at him. We both leaned in and our lips connected.


"That was so worth leaving." Matt said as he caught his breath.

"Bart is going to be pissed." I smiled at our vandalism to his car.


"I hope nobody saw us run over here." Matt chuckled as we stood between two parked vans on the opposite side of the lot. I looked around at the filled parking lot.

"I think we're good." I nodded.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"I want pizza."

"Pizza Hut it is." Matt threw his arm around me and we walked down the street to Pizza Hut.


"Thank you Chicago!" Nash yelled into the microphone.

He ran off the stage and into the back rest area. Nash came over and sat in the chair beside me. He pulled out his phone and went on Twitter.

I, on the other hand, was watching the Taylors. Alecia was sitting on Taylor's lap and playing with his little hairs that flailed out of the bandana.

Taylor was constantly looking down Alecia's shirt. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. What? Do I need big boobs for Taylor to find interest in me again?

[Big boobs, a nice vagina, nice hair]

"Stop staring. You'll overthink everything and you'll flip shit." Nash broke me from my thoughts.

"How'd you know I was staring at them? That brick wall over there is really nice. I mean, that red-auburn color, damn." I said putting my hand up, and Nash chuckled.

"Well, the way you look at 'the brick wall'," he mocked me. "is the way you used to look at me when I talked to other girls. Let loose, don't be so jealous." Nash placed his hand on my bare thigh and it sent chills down my back.

"Girl, you need to shave your legs." Nash said in a girl voice as he pulled away his hand.

"I shaved this morning!" I protested.

"You have so much hair on them thighs that I should send you to therapy." I starting laughing so hard that I grabbed my stomach for air.

I started regaining myself and I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Lacey." I turned to see Sammy walking towards me.

"Hey, Sam, what's up?" I asked getting up from my seat.

"Do you want to go out somewhere for a little bit?" He asked me with his toothy smile. I looked back at Nash who was glued to his phone. Then I glanced at Taylor who was watching my every move with Sammy. I smirked and turned back to the Omaha boy.

"Sure." I smiled and took his hand.

Sam and I walked out to the parking lot and he opened the door to his white Dodge Charger.

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