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I don't know what got into me. I just wanted them out of the house. Jack was being a dick. I understand that he doesn't want a kid at the moment but when I say it's fine, IT'S FUCKING FINE! Don't keep nagging about it because I will become pissed.

Then with Lacey, this is our business and it includes none of her. None. I told her that I was gonna call Nash and tell him what was going down but it wasn't my job to do that. I just needed a line to piss her off and so I could feel like a boss ass bitch while walking out of the room.

I stormed off and called my photographer, JJ. I wanted to get my mind off of things.

"Hey, Karls." He answered.

"Hey JJ." I smiled. "Do you think we could have a shoot today?"

"Since when do you have photoshoots on Thursdays?" He asked.

"I'm just bored and need to do something."

"It's cool. Is Jack coming again?" His name made me sigh. "Oh... Is it a bad time?"

"Kinda, JJ. This is kinda why I want to do the shoot. Something different. A little more dark." I smirked.

"Okay. What'd you have in mind?" He asked. I started naming a whole bunch of different poses and places to take them. "Okay. Sounds great. I'll meet you at Steak n' Shake and we can head out." We said our bye's and hung up. This was gonna be a fun day.


I got in the car with Jack. (The same car he fucked your friend in... SORRY LMFAO😂😂) I was in the passenger seat and he was in the drivers. He started driving down the street and I guess we were going to the duplex with all the guys and Lindsay.

We pulled up next to the curb and I rolled my eyes when I saw Rylee's car.

"Oh, do you want to go somewhere else?" Jack asked.

"No. I have to deal with her eventually. Might as well fix everything now." I looked around and saw Taylor coming down the street. I got excited and smiled. I climbed out of Jacks car and watched as Taylor got closer.

My smile faded when I noticed that Nash was in the passenger seat. Well shit.

"Hey babe." Nash smiled as he got out of the car.

"Hey." I fake smiled. He looked at me funny and I shook my head slightly. He apparently got the hint and didn't ask.

Nash grabbed my hand as we walked up the driveway and I felt the butterflies. The good ones. The ones I've always felt with him. Maybe being with Taylor was a mistake. Maybe it was just a hit and quit.


Taylor passed and I looked at him. He looked hurt, watching Nash and I happy must really hurt him. Does he really like me that much? I thought it was just a Rylee venting style.

"Lacey, can we talk for a second?" Taylor asked me.

"Yeah. I'll meet you inside." I turned to Nash and he nodded. Nash began walking in the duplex along with Jack. Taylor and I started walking down the street and he put his hands in his pockets.

"Sooooo..." He started.

"Sooooo..." I repeated.

"What we did," he paused. "was it just a mistake?" I couldn't answer right away. And the fact that I was stumbled with words, made Taylor a little happy.

"It wasn't a mistake. But it wasn't NOT a mistake." I tried explaining. "I like you. A lot." I laughed. "But, what me and Nash have- it can't be replaced with something better. And if it can, I would he surprised because he treats me like a princess and he's so loyal."

"And I'm not." Taylor mumbled.

"NO!" I stopped him. I stepped in front of him and his chest bumped into me.

I put my hands on his arms and he looked at me.

"Taylor, you are absolutely amazing. You are so kind and hilarious, I honesty don't know why Rylee would cheat on this." I moved my hands in front of him. He smiled. "Taylor, I love you so much. I have for a long time and I will never stop. But this love is different. It's a friendly love. Nash and I have a lust kind of love."

"You're right." Taylor sighed. Again, I rested my hands in his toned arms.

"Taylor, I love you. I truly do." He gave me a small smile.

"I love you too." Taylor pulled his hands out of his pockets and threw his arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around his waist and we hugged. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled into his shoulder.

We began walking back to the duplex when we started to hear yelling.

Can we go one fucking day without drama. Like, holy shit.

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