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(Some people have DM'd me and said, "I thought matt and Lindsay were the main characters!" or "isn't matt the main?"

Yes, they were at the time.
Yes, he was at the time.

I explained that things would add up later. And when I say later, I mean later. I have a whole line of book ideas and I want this to be a series. I want the series to go:

Us. {final book}

And for this to happen a few of you will be confused and the main characters are gonna switch. Can that happen? Or are you gonna criticize that too? No? Okay. Then read on.)


I wasn't the most comfortable person in the world, while getting in the car for my sisters house. She still lives in Virginia and she lives in the neighborhood but she's not exactly the nicest person...

Her name is Isabel. Since I'm 16, that makes her almost 29... My mom kicked her out of the house when she was 15 because she got pregnant and were not about that life.

Our family hasn't been in touch with her since.

We googled her and found her address. She lived somewhat close in the neighborhood and I'm just gonna knock on the door and ask to stay. We are family for that matter. She should say yes.

All the guys and Lindsay came over and said bye to me. Nash and I were gonna have a little break and then maybe date later.

"Who's giving me a ride?" I asked. I looked around and Matt shrugged.

"I guess I can." He spoke up. I was shocked. Matt hasn't exactly been the volunteering type lately. But with Lindsay here, I can see why he would want to leave.

"Oh, okay." I smiled and walked outside with him to his car.

I threw my luggage in the back seat and climbed into the passengers. Matt sat in the drivers seat and started the car.

"So, your sister lives around here?" He asked.

"I guess." I shrugged. "I haven't seen her in forever. She's supposed to have a daughter that's some what our age." I informed him.

"Well at least you can bond with her instead of awkwardly being with your sister that you barely know."

"Yeah, I guess that's a good thing."

The rest of the car ride was silent. The music was at a faint tone on the radio.

"Matt, this is the house." I pointed to the small brown house he was about to drive past.

He pulled into the driveway and parked behind a car. It was a small Mitsubishi and Matt was just stunned at what he was seeing.

"What?" Matt whispered. I looked at him crossed like because I didn't say anything. He was staring at the car he parked behind.

"What?" I asked. Matthew pointed to the license plate.

"I know that license plate. That car. It's all the same." He faintly mumbled. "Why would it be here?" He whispered.

"Ummm, okay?" I grabbed my bags out of the back and said my goodbyes to Matt. He followed me to the doorstep and I knocked on the door.

"Can I help you?" A short, grumpy, wrinkly, lady asked.

"Isabel?" I asked.

"Rylee? Is that you?" I nodded. "Oh my goodness! I've missed you so much! I haven't seen you in forever!" She hugged me.

"Well, you can see me more if you let me stay with you." I smiled. She nodded uncontrollably.

I looked back at Matt and gave him a hug.

"Bye." I waved to him. I began walking inside.

"Wait," Matt stopped us. "What's your daughters name?" I don't know why this mattered so much.

"Lindsay..." She answered. I was scared, I kinda started putting two and two together and hoped to god that they weren't the same Lindsay. "Why? Do you know where she is?" My sister asked him.

"Yeah. I do." Matt answered and walked away to his car.

"Well, shit."

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