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Welcome to the last chapter of Them. It is gonna be a pretty long ass fucking chapter so sit down and get comfortable duuuuuudes.


"I'm home!" I yelled while I walked into my parents house.

It's been awhile since I've been here. Since I've been living in the apartment that the girls and I rented out along with the guys and the duplex, I never came around here and hung out with my parents. Too bad the landlord evicted us while we were gone for magcon, now I have more than enough time to hang out.

"Karlee!" My mom squealed.

"Hi momma." I hugged her.

"I missed you so much." She continued to hug me.

"Missed you too, where's dad?" I asked, sitting on the bar stools at the counter.

"He's working." She answered. "Where's Jack?"

"With his parents. He's kinda upset since Johnson didn't come back with us, he went to go see his family in Nebraska." I sighed.

"Oh, that sucks. Well, what's wrong with you? You seem a little down too." She asked me.

"Lacey went to Nebraska."

"And her parents are okay with that?" She asked a little surprised.

"Her grandparents live out there, so I guess she has some resource." I shrugged.

"So she's just living alone?"

"She's staying with Sammy." I rolled my eyes.

"Who's Sammy?"

"Her fuck buddy."

"Karlee." My mom scolded for my use of language.

"What? He is! She was with Nash and he made a little mistake! Then she went to Taylor and something happened where they got into an argument and now she's with Sam. He's basically just her boy toy."

"Lacey has her days but she's not the type to go around and do stuff with just anybody. And besides, she's only 17. She is going to make decisions that nobody is very fond of. She's not a slut."

"And I'm not saying she's a slut. I'm just saying that she's been banged more than an alarm clock on a Monday morning."

"Karlee Marie!" She yelled. "Lacey is not a bad person and you know it! Do you not want to be her friend or something?"

"I don't even know anymore." I rubbed my face with my hands and stood up.

I decided to take my stuff down to my room in the basement and start unpacking.

I went into my bathroom and threw my dirty clothes in the clothes hamper as I set my bathroom essentials on the sink counter.

I began unpacking all of my face stuff and my makeup and I put it back in my drawers and cabinets.

"Karlee?" I heard an older voice.

"Dad?" I responded.

"Karlee." He breathed out, hugging me around the shoulders.

"Hi, dad, how have you been?" I asked him.

"I'm doing better." He smiled. My dad has been battling cancer for the last 2 months. It isn't terrible but it's a little circle on his shin about the size of a dime. "It's almost gone." He cheered.

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