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*This is right when she left with Taylor and got into her car*

I started my Jeep Wrangler and sped off down the street. I turned on the radio and put in my favorite CD. The bass in my car was phenomenal. The first song playing was Booty Me Down (Remix). Taylor and I jammed together and had fun for a little bit.

(The bass in this song is literally Jesus.)

After driving for a few minutes, I decided to go to the guys' (matt, cameron, Carter, Johnson, Sammy, and Lindsay) duplex. I needed to talk to someone.

I pulled into their driveway and turned off the car. Taylor and I stepped out and ran to the front door. We walked in without knocking because, why the fuck not?

There I saw, Carter and Cameron.

"Hey, Lacey and... Taylor?." Carter asked.

"Aye." I waved. I acted like it was no big deal and went with it. I came here for one reason and one reason only. "Where's Sammy?" I asked.

"Oooooh... You want to talk to Sammy." Carter teased. "Don't let Lindsay hear you. They just got into a fight about random girls calling him Daddy and everything."

"What about Nash?" Cam asked me. Of course he wouldn't know. #Cash for life.

"I fans are annoying sometimes. And as for Nash, him and I are done." I told them. They looked at me with sad faces and I shrugged it off.

"Sammy is in the backyard." Matt said, coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey Matt." I said.

"Hey." He smiled. He seemed happier than usual... k. I looked behind me for Taylor and he was gone. Ummm. Okay?

I walked to the back slider and poked my head out. I saw Sam shirtless and working on the trampoline they have always talked about having.

"Hey, Sammy." I said.

"Oh... Hey Lacey." He smiled. Sam started walking over to me, so I started to him. He gave me a hug, we have always been pretty good friends, so this was normal.

"Do you need help with anything?" I asked, referring to the trampoline.

"Uh... It's pretty much done." He laughed.

"Well, did u test it?" I asked. Sammy shook his head. "Oh my god. You always need to test out your trampoline before everyone else." I giggled and grabbed his hand to lead him to his contraption.

He climbed on first and I quickly followed. We started jumping and then started doing stupid things. I did a few back flips and Sammy did back bounces and stuff like that. We laughed and it was genuinely a good time. Eventually, we decided to chill and just sit on the hot black rubber.

"Lacey?" Sammy asked.

"Yeah." I responded.

"What happened with Nash, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked ever so sweetly.

"Oh. You heard about that?" He nodded. "Well," I started, "we were in our room... And then he called me Rylee." I sniffled. "He was cheating on me... With my best friend who I would call my sister." Tears were touching the rim of my eye. I quickly wiped my eyes and put on a fake smile to try and make it look like I didn't care.

"Nash is a dumb ass." Sammy spat. "He doesn't deserve someone as special as you." This made me smile.

"Thanks." I said. Our eyes met and we stared at each other for awhile. He started to lean in and his hand was coming forward a bit.

"I can't reach it, can you hand me my phone?" He asked. (YEET) He wasn't gonna kiss me, he was grabbing his fucking phone.

"Sure." I handed him his phone and laid back down. Just staring up at the sky and clouds. What a dick move.

"Oh, hey Lacey." I heard Lindsay through a window. Shit. Did she see that?

"Hey." I said back. This was my cue to go. "I have to go, bye Sam." I have him one last hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, that's new." He laughed.

"It's because I'm single. I can kiss whoever and no one will give a fuck." I said, walking inside.

*next day*

I sit up, quietly, trying not to wake Nash. I get out of the bed and walk over to my suitcases. Most of my clothes are small so I only have about 2 cases. I grab them and walk out of the room.

When I reached the living room, I smelled bacon. I look over and see Lacey making breakfast. She hasn't talked to me or Nash since she stormed out yesterday with Taylor.

"So I guess, breakfast isn't for me?" I asked her. Lacey stopped cooking and looked up at me, she took a deep breath and found her words.

"I guess it can be." She whispered slowly.

"Thanks." I said, leaving my bags in the living room and walking to the counter full of bacon and eggs.

"I see you slept with Nash last nigh." Lacey told me, without making eye contact. A for effort though, she was at least talking to me even though she clearly didn't want to.

"Uh- yeah." I replied.

"Well I slept with Taylor." She spat and walked out.

That bitch.
Sorry for the really long chapter!!! I just didn't want to split these into two chapters....

But yeah.

I guess I have to explain some things before I go tho.

I'm a volleyball player and a softball player. I'm very passionate about my sports so I have practices and lessons and the whole thing with shopping for new equipment or uniforms and all that jazz. And since it's also the holidays, I'm gonna be with family... But knowing my family, you would want your space from them😂

Well, I won't be updating for awhile since I'm gonna be having practices and family and Christmas and yeah...

But with the above being said, that just means that I will have an updating party!!!!

(I'm just gonna update a whole bunch of shit)

This updating thing will happen between December 18th - December 24th



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