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🙊Okay, so I know some of yall might be confused.

Matt was just a starting main character. Like I just started writing about him first. He wasn't necessarily who I was gonna write about. He will pop up again though. Don't worry :)))


"Fuck." Karlee said.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"Fuck." She repeated a little more loudly.

"Karlee! What's wrong?" I shouted.

"Jack! We messed up big time!" She put her head down in her hands and her elbows balanced on her legs. I began driving a little faster. We made it to the condo and I parked in my usual parking spot along the curb in the street.

"Karlee, what's wrong?" I asked again. I began to rub her back soothingly.

"Oh my god... We didn't use protection. Jack, we didn't use a condom this time. Shit." She whimpered. She sniffled a few times and I grabbed her arm pulling her over to my seat.

She sat on my lap and rested her head on my shoulder. Karlee wrapped her arms around my neck and I hugged around her waste. We rocked back and forth and finally Karlee spoke up.

"Jack, were only 16." She shook her head.

"It's okay. We can go and get you one of those morning after pills." I said, trying to make her feel better.

"No." She refused. "I don't want to be one of those people that walk in there and have to get dirty looks from others because they did the right thing and use protection." She wiped her tears as she spoke.

"So, you would rather have the chance of being pregnant?"

"Hell no." Karlee told me. "I want the pill. I'm just not going in there. You are." She smiled.

"Okay?" I laughed. I opened the car door and she climbed out. "I'll be back in 10 minutes. I love you." I told her.

"I love you." She replied and walked into the condo.


Lacey kissed back right when our lips touched. Hell, she was leaning in. I grabbed her neck and pulled her in closer.

My tongue trailed her bottom lip for entrance and she opened her mouth.

Our tongues fought for dominance and I won. {obviously bc you are a sex God}

"Jump." I whispered between the kiss. Lacey obeyed and jumped, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms trailing around my neck. I turned around and walked over to her bed.

I laid her down gently and our lips were still connected like a puzzle piece. Lacey stumbled around with her fingers at the hem of my shirt. I disconnected from her and pulled it over my head, leaving me in just my shorts and her in the sports wear from before.

My lips trailed down her neck and to her stomach. She jumped and started laughing, I looked up to see what was going on.

"What's so funny?" I asked, kinda chuckling myself.

"Your kissing my ticklish spot." She said pointing over to where I previously left a mark. I smirked at how cute it was and continued to make her laugh by kissing and sucking on that part of her stomach. "Taylor!" She squealed, out of breath from laughing so hard.

I continued down and made it to the top of her spandex. My fingers trailed the top line of the shorts and I began to pull them down.

They came off, so swift like, and I watched as her facial expression changed from happy to worried. I acted like I didn't see it and continued with what I was doing.

I moved back up to her face and placed my body between her legs. She leaned forward and kissed me again. Everything was rough and It turned me on.

Lacey placed her hands on the back of my neck. She pulled my hair and I groaned in the kiss. My package began to get harder and I think Lacey noticed when she pulled away smiling.

I kissed her one last time and slightly bit her lip. She moaned and I became aroused my the noise she just made.

"That was hot." I told Lacey. She laughed a little and moved her hands to my khaki shorts. She undid my belt and buttons, then unzipped my pants. She pushed them down and I shook them off.

I climbed off of Lacey's bed and pulled her underwear with me. While I was standing there, I quickly remembered about a condom. Shit. It was upstairs in my room.

"I'll be right back." I ran upstairs in my boxers and to my room. I went through my bedside nightstand drawer and couldn't find one. "Shit." I mumbled. I started thinking of places I could possibly find one.

Would Gilinsky have some?
{if he had any, he would've used them😂 sns}

I ran over to his room and creaked the door open. Damn his room is a mess. Karlee's clothes laying everywhere, along with Jack's crap thrown around in here.

I walked over to his desk and went through the drawers here too. I couldn't find anything.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself. I then heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"Taylor?" I heard a small voice. Lacey.

"Erm. Yeah?" I called, jumping out of the room and closing the door. I walked down the small hallway and turned the corner to see Lacey. She was now just wearing an oversized sweatshirt which I recognized as Nash's. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I you wanted to have sex up here, you could've just said so." She smirked. Lacey walked over to me and kissed me again.

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