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"Attention all passengers, we have 15 minutes until we land in Chicago, Illinois. Please turn off all cellular devices." I over heard the flight attendant say on the speaker.

I looked up from my phone and powered it down.

Matt snored a bit and I laughed.

"Matt." I shook him, getting no response. "Matty." I said again, this time leaning on him and kissing his ear. "Mattchu Lee Espinosa." I whispered to him.

"I think I would wake up fully if you kissed me." He smiled, still with his eyes closed.

"How bout no." I said and sat back up in my seat.

"Babe." He whined.

"No," I shook my head. "I don't even like you." I told him with a disgusted face.

Matthew grabbed his chest and acted like he was hurt. I started laughing and leaned over a little and lightly pressed my lips to his.

"Your lips are really soft." He told me.

"Thanks. I got this new Chapstick that I thought you would like."

"Well you know I like me some soft lippers." He said in a weird voice.

"Lippers?" I asked.


"Maybe lippers can be our always." I said grabbing Matt's hand, acting very dramatic.

"But I don't want to die in the end." Matt whined. He started going on and on about The Fault In Our Stars and I listened until the plane landed.


"DIBS!" I heard Mahogany yell as we walked into the big hotel room. She ran over and threw her suitcases on the white bed and started to get ready for the show today.

I walked to my bed and sat my bags down. I zipped open my clothes bag and picked out my favorite light wash, ripped, jean shorts and also Matt's, red, magcon hoodie that I stole from the last stop and then, I took out my red vans.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard from the doorway. I turned to see Lacey. She dropped to her knees and threw her hands in the air. "PLEASE GOD MAKE HER FALL OFF A CLIFF!" She shouted.

"Um, excuse me." I heard another snooty girl. She walked in the door and I took note that it was probably the girl Lacey wants to fall off a cliff.

Lacey stayed on her knees and watched as Taylor passed her. Lace pretended to strangle herself and I couldn't help but giggle.

"This is my bed, I'm not sharing, don't touch my stuff, and don't use my phone charging outlet." Taylor said in her obnoxious voice.

Lacey rolled her eyes and I could tell that this stop was gonna be harsh.


We had 15 minutes until we had to leave the hotel so I decided to go to the boys' room.

I walked in and Nash, Cameron, and Matt were sitting on the end of the bed in front of a camera.

Nash was trying to chew a bunch of pickles that were in his mouth and Cameron was drinking some of the juice. Matthew, on the other hand, was trying to eat one pickle and then spit it back in his jar.

"Nash, scoot over you fucking Jew." Matt said as he kept falling off of the edge.


I looked around the hotel room and noticed how much smaller it is than the girls'. As I was peeking around, I saw some new faces in the room.

"HAYES!" I whisper yelled, I didn't want be heard in the video. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey, Rylee." He came over and hugged me.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" I squealed. "Where's Chad?"

"Talking to Bart. This is the last magcon that Nash is going on. Bart isn't paying us but yet, he's raising prices on a bunch of things and just getting more interest for himself." I nodded.

"Matt is done. We're just here to support you guys."

"So he's not even performing?" I shook my head. Hayes looked down and did the same head motion.

"I know hayesy-boo, it sucks." I messed up his hair.

"Don't touch my mop." He whined. Hayes and I were interrupted when we heard a giant squeal come from the Cashew fight on the bed.

Matt dove over Cameron and tried to grab Nash, Cam then grabbed Matt and pinched his junk.

"AH!" Matt screamed.

"Watch your hands, Cameron, only I'm aloud to do that." I jokingly warned him.

They all finished their pickle eating an at the end, they asked for my help.

"You have to wax one strip of our leg hairs." Cameron explained. I nodded and got the wax paper ready.

Nash laid down first and I placed it on his leg. I reached for the bottom of the strip and Nash stopped me.

"You have to rip down! What're you doing?" He yelled at me.

{does anyone else notice how in the beginning, he says you have to rip down and then when cams leg gets all fucked up, Nash says "I TOLD YOU! YOU HAVE TO RIP UP! That's why you rip up not down!" Like... ok nash}

"You rip up." I said bluntly.

"No you don't." He argued. Eventually, all the guys got into it and started yelling at each other.

"You better rip it off before the wax dries." I told all the boys that were yelling at each other. They didn't listen so I made my way back to Nash's leg and quickly ripped it up.

"OWWWW!!!" He yelled. "That hurts so bad. How do girls do that to their vagina, oh my gosh." He gripped his leg and I laughed with everyone.

Next, Cameron laid down and Nash insisted that he do this one so I put the wax on the paper and Nash did the rest. Doing it wrong, he ripped down and the paper for stuck on Cameron's leg.

"Oh my god! GET MORE PAPER!" Cameron told me. I got more and tried getting it off. Matt took some and took off bits and pieces of the first waxing.

"This is why you rip up." Nash said. I looked at everyone and they had the same dumb face I had. K.

Finally Matt was up, and I waxed his leg.

"Don't hurt me." He told me.

"It hurts period." I shrugged.

I quickly ripped off the hair on Matt's leg and he had a spaz attack.

They ended the video and I looked at the time.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"What?" Hayes asked.

"We're late for Magcon."

k cool bye

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