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"Are you proud of yourself?!" Killua yelled at Illumi, "Everything went to hell because of you!"

"Anne shouldn't be getting involved with people like them," Illumi answered monotonously.

"You're joking, right? Have you met our family?! All she knows is people like them!" Killua yelled.

"Stephen and Elliot are more dangerous than our family," Illumi reasoned. Killua pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Why am I the only one who supports our sister?" Killua grumbled to himself.

"I just want her to be safe," Illumi spoke calmly.

"Elliot was keeping her safe. Thanks to you, she's by herself again. I'm going back downstairs before mom turns her rant on me," Killua grumbled as he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"I did what's best for my sister. I'll support her when she finds someone who won't hurt her," Illumi thought to himself as he stood up from the bed and went back downstairs.

"Where's Hisoka?" Illumi asked sitting next to Annabeth.

"He left," Annabeth grumbled.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Forget about it. What's done is done. At this point, I'm just going to shower and go to bed," Annabeth said solemnly as she picked up her plate and took it to the kitchen. She washed up and crawled into bed. The moment her head hit the pillow, Annabeth fell into the wonderful sensation of sleep.

The next morning, Annabeth awoke to having the bed all to herself. Curious, Annabeth tiptoed down the stairs to find Illumi sitting in the kitchen drinking some coffee.

"You're up early," Illumi stated.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Annabeth yawned as she poured herself a cup of coffee, taking in it's sweet hazelnut aroma.

"They left early. Emergency call they said," Illumi responded, "Listen, about last night,"

"Do we have to talk about this now?" Annabeth questioned.

"You can't see Elliot anymore," Illumi said blatantly. Annabeth downed her coffee and placed her cup in the sink. "Where are you going?" Illumi asked. However, Annabeth didn't respond. She went upstairs and plopped back into her bed.

"I'm too tired for this," Annabeth grumbled and she pulled the blankets over her petite body. There was a knock on her bedroom door. "I'm sleeping!" Annabeth yelled from her bed. Much to her dismay, the door opened. Illumi entered the room with the coffee cup in his hand.

"Anne," Illumi spoke, sitting next to Annabeth, "You know we can't argue with mom and dad,"

"You also know that they left," Annabeth argued.

"That's a bad idea," Illumi said abandoning his gentle tone.

"They only visit us a couple times out of the year," Annabeth continued.


"All I'd really have to worry about is if you tell them," Annabeth finished as she rolled over to face Illumi, "Are you?" Illumi let out an irritated sigh.

"You know his brother, I assume?" Illumi asked. Annabeth nodded, somewhat fearful of Elliot's brother. "That's all the reason you should need to stay away from them," Illumi said coldly as he left Anabeth's room.

"I can stay away from Stephen," Annabeth thought to herself, "I'm not giving Elliot up," She went over to her desk where her phone was. There was one unread message. "It's from Elliot," Annabeth thought to herself. She couldn't help but smile seeing Elliot's name pop up on her phone.

E: xxxxx hanged road. Be there at 10pm. It's the old dubson house. I have a surprise for you.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at the message. However, her curiosity was piqued. She was curious about what the surprise was.

~~12 hours earlier~~

Elliot reached his house after being thrown out of Annabeth's. He yanked open the door and slammed it shut.

"God Damnit!" He raged. Stephen came jogging down the stairs.

"What the hell's your problem?" Stephen asked, seeing his little brother's anger as quite the entertainment.

"This is all your fault!" Elliot yelled, "If you hadn't gotten me involved in this crap, none of this would've happened!"

"Kid, I have no idea what your talking about," Stephen said, still not taking Elliot seriously, "But whatever it is, yeah it's prolly my fault,"

"You didn't have to bring me to the first house! You could've just left me in the hotel room! I didn't have to take any part in any of this!" Elliot continued to yell.

"If I left you in that hotel room you would've been long dead! How about showing me some gratitude for keeping your dumbass alive for all these years!" Stephen yelled, now getting angry.

"Gratitude?! I could've taken care of him myself! Now I'm tied to a full blown shoot out where you and me only survived!" Elliot roared as he pushed Stephen causing him to fall.

"You ungrateful little shit," Stephen growled as he stood up and punched Elliot in the face. Elliot could feel his lip stinging as well as blood dripping. "Say what you want. We're expected at the Dubson house tomorrow night. If you don't go, I'll kill you myself," Stephen growled as he went back up stairs. Stephen shut the door. He smiled fiendishly to himself as he held Elliot's phone in his hand.

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