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Immediately, Killua dragged Annabeth onto a rollercoaster. Annabeth was always a little scared when it came to roller coasters. Killua was always that person who dragged her on the rides she was too scared to get on by herself. Meanwhile, Illumi and Elliot were having trouble keeping up with Killua and Annabeth. They were roughly the same size so it was easy to lose sight of them in the crowds. Illumi was ready to get the leash for toddlers and strap them in so he would lose them so easily. At one point, Killua got the devilishly brilliant Idea to test Illumi's stoic personality.

"Hey, Illu!" yelled Killua, "Let's go on that one!" Killua pointed to the biggest roller coaster around. It's highest drop looked like certain death. Annabeth watched as Illumi's skin color got the tiniest bit lighter. Annabeth couldn't help but share in Killua's mischief.

"Yeah, Illu. It looks like fun you should definitely go!" Annabeth said cheerfully. Illumi didn't respond. He stared at the death instigating ride with his usual stoic expression. "Elliot and I will go with you," Annabeth begged as she grabbed Elliot's arm. Suddenly, Elliot's heart began pounding. Not just because Annabeth touch made him all sorts of nervous but he hated roller coasters. Specifically, roller coasters. Any other ride he didn't care. Roller coasters made his stomach turn.

"Uh... Tiny," Elliot began to say nervously.

"Alright," Illumi said before Elliot could finish. Before Elliot realized it, he was being dragged by Annabeth who frankly was just as scared as he was. However, it was a chance to disrupt Illumi's facial expressions. There was absolutely no chance in hell hat she was going to miss out on that just because of some petty fear. All four of them got in the line. Killua was doing any and everything he could to spark some sort of fearful reaction in Illumi. Annabeth could feel her bones begin to shake with anxiety and excitement. Elliot noticed that the closer the got to the ride, the tighter Annabeth's grip got on his arm. It began to hurt a bit. However, Elliot sucked it up and smiled on through. When they all reached the front of the line, Killua and Illumi took the two front seats, while Annabeth and Elliot took the two right behind them.

"E-Elliot," Annabeth stuttered nervously.

"Ye-yeah?" Elliot replied in the same manner.

"A-are you scared?" Annabeth asked, "I am. I-i'm terrified."

"N-nope. I'm good." Elliot said. He could feel his ribcage shaking. He was so nervous he was constantly fidgeting and twitching.

"Elliot?" Annabeth said in the same manner, "Can I hold your hand?" Without saying so much as another word, Elliot took hold of Annabeth hands and held on tightly. He needed comfort just as much as she did. Before he could take so much as a breath to calm himself down, the roller coaster sped off with two riders screaming in fear, another screaming in joy and a completely silent rider. Annabeth was desperately clinging onto Elliot as if it were a life or death situation. As for Elliot, he was very close to passing out. This could be due to either Annabeth gripping so hard that it was nearly cutting off his circulation or his fear or roller coasters. When it ended, Elliot could not have gotten off faster. Killua was thrilled.

"I've never felt so alive!" he shouted happily, "How 'bout you, Illumi?" All the colors from Illumi's face were gone. A couple of white hairs may have sprouted on his head. He was shaking nonstop. His mouth was basically glued shut but his eyes were filled with child-like trauma. As for their sister, Annabeth was basically glued onto Elliot's arm. Elliot's legs were wobbly. He could nearly maintain his balance. As they walked to a bench, Elliot almost fell on Annabeth.

"Never..." Annabeth started.

"Again..." Elliot finished. Killua scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on," Killua said, "That was nothing!" However, everyone was too traumatized to argue back with the young Zoldyck.

"Kil, I think we should calm down from the rides for a little while," Annabeth said as she pried herself from Elliot's arm. "Illumi looks traumatized. I can't say it isn't funny but I know how he feels. Why don't we get something to eat?"

"Not a bad idea." Killua mused, "You guys are might have to carry Illumi." Killua showed off his mischievous, cat-like smile.

"Deal," Elliot said. Annabeth and Elliot each took Illumi's arm and helped him up and began looking for a spot to eat. While they were walking, Annabeth let out a little giggle. "What's so funny?" Elliot asked curiously.

"I didn't know you were terrified of roller coasters," Annabeth said as she smirked evilly. Elliot's face turned red out of embarrassment.

"Don't go around telling people that." He said as he held his head up, "I got a reputation to maintain, ya know." Annabeth couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"I won't. That just means I get to tease you about it," she said happily.

"You were just as scared! You were clinging onto me as if your life depended on it!" Elliot fired.

"It definitely felt like it did." Annabeth mumbled as he replayed the entire ride over in her mind and shuddered, "Let's agree to keep that ride between us." Elliot smiled wholeheartedly.

"You got it, Tiny," he said happily.

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