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The school day passed without any incident. Annabeth, Illumi, and Killua walked home to help their mother with the dinner preparations.

"We're home," Illumi yelled. The three siblings froze as the savory scent of red meat was cooking. Annabeth's stomach rumbled and her mouth dripped saliva as the light, delicious smell continued wafting in the air.

"Dinner will be done later. Make sure you wash before dinner." Kikiyo said as she mashed potatoes in a bowl. The sizzling sound of juices splashing in the hot pan danced into their ears. They crept to the stove to see Illumi's favorite, zucchini and squash sauteed in a pan. His eyes slightly widened and filled with nothing except the hidden love and happiness for his favorite dish. He could feel his saliva gathering in his mouth. He looked down at his sister to see her drooling and staring at the food as if she were a starving beast.

"Hey, mom, do you think I can taste check these?" Annabeth slurped as she reached for the food, "I just wanna make sure they're not poisoned~" Annabeth's cheeky smile widened as she got closer to the food. Her gluttonous attitude was punished with a swift swat to the hand by Illumi.

"Don't even think about it," Illumi growled as he noticed Annabeth's hand reaching for his zucchini and squash.

"I just want to make sure our food is safe to eat! I'll be the guinea pig!" Annabeth beamed as she tried going for the food again.

"Come on. We have homework," Illumi said as he threw his bite-size sister over his shoulder and carried her upstairs.

"Fine. I still have my bag of sweets," she grumbled.

"NO SNACKING!" Kikiyo and Illumi shrieked.

"I wasn't even that loud! How did she hear me?!" Annabeth thought to herself as Illumi shut the door behind them. He threw his sister on the bed and sat at the desk.

"Hurry and do your homework," Illumi said. Annabeth rolled her eyes and sat up. She walked to her bag and opened it. Her eyes widened as her entire body froze.

"I don't know what any of the homework is!" Annabeth thought to herself in horror, "Arrrgh I knew I shouldn't have ditched! I knew it! I knew it!" She turned and looked at Illumi. "I have to do something! He'll notice if I just sit around and do nothing!" She grabbed a workbook from her desk, making sure not to make eye contact with Illumi, and sat on her bed. She leaned against the wall, resting the book on her legs. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contact to see if she could find anyone who knew the homework. She found Pakunoda's contact.

A: Hi Paku! I need help. What are the assignments for today? I ditched with Elliot today so I missed it all! Please don't tell Illumi. He'll kill me T^T

Pakunoda was with the group when she felt her phone buzz. She smiled seeing the text from Annabeth.

P: I won't tell him. Let me ask Shizuku. :)

Pakunoda sent Annabeth the Homeworks and received many thank you's from Annabeth who barely succeeded in fooling her brother. Pakunoda turned to continue listening to Chrollo's announcement.

"The Dubson house is trying to become independent. They already moved in a large cache of guns. They won't go down without a fight." Chrollo announced. Everyone's eyes narrowed and grew a dark tint. "Uvogin, you will go with the Carpenter brothers tomorrow night to make sure everything is dealt with properly."

"Boss, I think we all understand that the Carpenters are always capable of handling themselves. Why does Uvogin need to go?" Feitan hissed. He never particularly liked the Carpenters. He always thought they were 'bad news' as if he were any better.

"Recently, one of them has been acting very erratically. One of their last jobs was a retrieval job. They needed to get something from someone and be done. No violence, but that's not what happened. No one survived but them two. I don't trust it and the last thing we all want is the Dubson house to get more power. They're a dangerous pair if they're working against you," Chrollo responded.

"Ya know that's not very nice to talk about us behind our backs," Everyone jumped recognizing the disastrous voice.

"Why are you here, Stephen?" Feitan hissed, "You're not needed yet," Feitan narrowed his eyes at Stephen. Everyone's guards were up. All eyes followed Stephen's every movement.

"I am," Stephen said as he strode through the small crowd, "You called me, didn't you, Chrollo?" Everyone's stares turned to their head.

"I did. I want to know what happened the night an entire house was slaughtered," Chrollo demanded. All eyes were now on Stephen. A smirk curled onto Stephen's face.

"Well, like I told my employers at the time, they weren't willing to hand anything over," Stephen spoke as he shrugged off the question, "You know I'm not allowed to reveal details about previous jobs to those who weren't my employers,"

"Does anyone trust a word he says?" Chrollo asked. The room became eerily silent.

"Ouch," Stephen said sarcastically.

"That's why Uvogin is going with them," he said. 

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