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"Annie! Annie, are you there?" yelled Hisoka. Annabeth felt a pit in her stomach.

"Why is Hisoka here?" Annabeth thought to herself.

"Annie! Please talk to me!" yelled Hisoka.

"What do I do?" Annabeth thought to herself frantically. Then, she remembered Elliot. She quickly called him. The phone was ringing. "Come on, Elliot. Pick up. Please pick up." Annabeth mumbled to herself. The pounding on the door kept getting louder and louder. Annabeth was feeling more and more scared. She felt her own fear suffocating her.

"Hello? Tiny?" said Elliot nonchalantly.

"I need your help." she said urgently.

"What's wrong? Why do I hear pounding on your end?" said Elliot frantically.

"Hisoka is at my door." said Annabeth.

"I'll be there in five minutes. Don't do anything." said Elliot before hanging up. Annabeth sat on the staircase. Hisoka was still yelling for Annabeth.

"Annie! I'm worried please come out!" yelled Hisoka. Annabeth covered her ears. She was still hurt from the picture.

"Why does he keep coming back? He knows what he did. Why won't he just leave?" Annabeth thought to herself. She felt tears form in her eyes and flood out.

Hisoka began to question if she was even home. He tried calling her. Then, he heard Annabeth's phone from inside her house. Annabeth jumped when her phone began ringing.

"Do I press ignore or let it ring?" Annabeth thought to herself. She was very careful not to make a sound. Then, the phone stopped ringing. She sighed in relief. Then, a text message popped up on her phone.

H: Annie, please call me. I need to tell you something. I'm worried about you.

Annabeth didn't respond to the text message. She poked her head out the window and saw that Hisoka was walking away. She sighed in relief. Two minutes later, Elliot showed up. Her looked around and saw no sign of Hisoka. Annabeth explained to him what happened. Elliot gripped her by her shoulders.

"If he ever does something like that again, call the cops on him." said Elliot. He pulled Annabeth into a hug. "Do you want me to stay in case he come back?" asked Elliot. Annabeth shook her head.

"That's okay. Kil should be home any minute." said Annabeth.

"What about Illumi?" asked Elliot.

"He's been out with Pakunoda. I haven't seen him in two days." replied Annabeth.

"He should at least be here to protect you. Is it alright if I stay with you until Kil comes back?" said Elliot. Annabeth could tell that he was genuinely worried about her. She nodded. Elliot followed Annabeth inside and stuck around until Killua got back from Gon's.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now