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Illumi and Killua returned home with groceries. Illumi went up stairs to check on Annabeth. He knocked on her door. "Come in." she said weakly.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" said Illumi as he poked his head in. He saw Annabeth huddled in the corner of her bed with tears in her eyes. "Annabeth! What's wrong? Did Hisoka do something to you? I'll kill that bastard!" said Illumi as he got up from the bed. Annabeth caught the rim of his shirt.

"He didn't do anything to me...." said Annabeth, "I did this to myself."

"What?" asked Illumi as he sat on the bed next to her.

"He got me to fall in love with him." said Annabeth.

"What's wrong with that?" asked Illumi confusedly.

"I know that he doesn't return my affections. He's nice to me because I'm his best friend's sister." she said with a sad smile on her face. Illumi hugged her as more tears trailed down her face.

"If only you knew what you're doing to her." Illumi thought to himself, "Hisoka, you had better treat her right." Illumi wiped his sister's tears away.

"Can I please have my bag of sweets back?" asked Annabeth with a sad, childish look in her eyes. Illumi sighed in defeat.

"Fine." said Illumi as he stood up and left he room to get his sister's bag filled with treats.

Meanwhile, Hisoka was back at his apartment. He looked at the clock to see it was three in the afternoon. He was worried about Annabeth. He decided to send her a text.

H: Annie-chan, are you alright? I'm worried about you. Please text me </3

A: Sorry about earlier. I'm okay. Just reality set in about something. That's all. I'm okay. I promise.

H: Will you still meet me at the roof after school tomorrow? :O

A: Lol. sure.

H: Yay :D I'll see you tomorrow. I still have preparations to take care of. ;)

A: Okay. Bye Hisoka-kun.

Annabeth laid back in bed.

"What the hell does he want to tell me?" Annabeth thought to herself. She stayed in her room the rest of the day. She left her brothers a little worried about her. They decided to let her have time to herself. The next morning, Annabeth woke herself up and began getting ready for school. She went downstairs to see Illumi and Killua already ready and eating breakfast.

"Morning, Anne." said Killua.

"Good morning." she replied.

"Are you hungry? Come eat with us." said Illumi.

"I'm okay. I'm just going to head to school. Thanks anyway, Illu. I'll see you guys at school." said Annabeth before leaving. Annabeth poked her head out the door. She didn't see Hisoka waiting for them. She quickly ran to the next block and turned onto the main street before Hisoka got to their house. She was walking by herself. She felt a bit lonely at first without Illumi or Hisoka walking with her but she felt fine with it afterwards. Suddenly, Annabeth her a car horn. She turned around and saw Pakunoda driving She pulled over next Annabeth.

"Hey Anne." said Paku, "Do you need a ride?" Annabeth looked ahead and shrugged.

"Sure." she said softly as she got in the car. Pakunoda began driving off. "Thank you for the ride, Paku." Pakunoda glanced at Annabeth and smiled.

"Anytime, love." said Pakunoda, "I gotta say, I really did have fun with your brother. Do you think he likes me back?" asked Pakunoda a bit shyly.

"I think he does. When he came back, he was in a really good mood." said Annabeth with a smile on her face. Paku blushed a bit. Pakunoda pulled into the parking lot at school. The group were already there.

"Morning everyone." said Pakunoda. Annabeth shyly got out of the car.

"We didn't think you'd be back at school so soon." said Uvogin and he clamped his hand onto her shoulder.

"Yeah," said Phinks, "Are you well enough to be here?" Annabeth shyly nodded.

"I'm okay. I gotta go to my locker before class. Thank you for the ride, Paku." said Annabeth softly.

"Anytime." said Pakunoda.

"We'll see you around." said Feitan. Annabeth nodded and shuffled inside the building. "She's still shy around us. She seems to be warming up to you."

"Maybe, I'll try next." said Machi.

"She'll probably warm up faster to you and Shizuku next because your girls." said Nobunaga. Chrollo nodded in agreement.

"Let me go with you, Machi." said Feitan, "She'll feel more comfortable with you there and she'll be warming up to the both of us."

"Won't that overwhelm her?" asked Shalnark.

"One way to find out." said Machi, "Hisoka said he'd be here to go into detail about the plan."

"All he said was that he knows how to get Kara Yuki away from Annabeth." said Chrollo.

"Speak of the devil." said Uvogin. Everyone turned their heads to see Hisoka walking up to them.

"Care to tell us more about your little plan?" asked Chrollo. Hisoka smiled evilly.

"Of course. I'll tape her confession on my phone. Then, take it to the principal Netero. That should be enough to get her suspended. That won't be all." said Hisoka. He looked over to Shizuku, Machi, and Pakunoda. "You three will beat the crap out of her." Pakunoda smiled.

"Finally." said Machi, "I've always hated that girl. She is such a bitch."

"I agree. She got on all of our nerves." said Shizuku coldly.

"Not to mention, she gave Anne a concussion. The poor girl gets treated like shit enough as it is." said Pakunoda.

"You've really gotten attached to her, Paku." said Feitan in a surprised tone.

"I guess the sweetheart has already grew on me." said Pakunoda proudly.

"I'm going to talk to Kara." said Hisoka as he began to walk off.

"Do you guys think it'll be just like the others?" asked Uvogin, "I don't want to see Annabeth hurt."

"I think this one will be different. He's actually trying to protect her. He couldn't care less if Kara Yuki hurt any of his other girlfriends." said Phinks.

"Besides," chimed Nobunaga, "If he does hurt this one, her brother will beat hi to a bloody pulp."

"Yeah. If he does hurt her, Illumi will make sure he learns his lesson." acknowledged Shalnark. Pakunoda looked at the ground a bit sadly. She wasn't sure if it Hisoka's intentions were good or not.

"He's certainly doing things differently." Pakunoda thought to herself, "Maybe I should give her a slight heads up. She's known him long enough to know that he has a bit of a record, right?"

"Paku, are you okay?" asked Chrollo. She broke out of her thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm gonna head to class. Mr. Satoz keeps nagging me for being late. I'll see you guys later." she said as she walked off.

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