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Hisoka and Annabeth went inside the school. She could feel judgemental stares and whispers around her.

"He suckered in her too."

"She probably said yes because no one else would ask her out."

"Who is that girl?"

"I guess that shows he'll stick it in anything."

"Isn't that one of the Zoldyck siblings?"

"I thought that Elliot guy liked her."

"I guess trash likes trash." Annabeth hung her head in embarrassment. She looked at Hisoka. He was walking with confidence while she lagged behind with her esteem getting lower and lower with each harsh stare and judgemental whisper. It seemed like forever but they finally reached the classroom.Annabeth sat down and looked out the window. Hisoka looked at Annabeth. She had a gloomy look in her eye. He knows why. He heard the whispers too. Specifically the one about Elliot. He could tell the whispers already made their way into her mind. He set his hand on her hand gently. She looked over at him with the gloomy look in her eye. He smiled softly at her to try to remove the gloomy look from her eye.

"Don't listen to them. They know nothing about you. You're a shy, nice, beautiful girl. You're not trash." said Hisoka as he squeezed her hand a bit. Annabeth smiled at him and kissed his cheek. She went back to staring out the window. Hisoka stood and decided to find Illumi to see if he knew how to help Annabeth. Most of the kids had already went to class. Hisoka went to Illumi's class to see if it had already started. When Hisoka approached the door, the class was already in session. "Damn.... I guess I can wait until lunch." Hisoka said to himself as he shrugged and began walking back to class. On his way, he ran into Elliot Carpenter. Hisoka rolled his eyes and paid him no heed. Elliot purposely bumped into him.

"Hey there, friend." said Elliot a bit maliciously. Hisoka tried to ignore him. However, Elliot wouldn't let Hisoka pass him by.

"Get out of the way." said Hisoka as he glared at Elliot.

"What's the rush huh? I just want to talk with ya." said Elliot as he maintained his malicious smile. Hisoka was getting annoyed. He tried to push Elliot out of the way. Elliot grabbed the arm Hisoka tried to push him with and threw him into the lockers. Elliot's smile had completely vanished from his face. He was holding a serious look. "I didn't want to do it like this but I gotta do what I gotta do." said Elliot.

"What? Are you going to beat me up because I got to her first?" said Hisoka. Elliot scoffed.

"No. I was just doing a little research." said Elliot. Hisoka looked at Elliot confusedly. "You're one of the biggest playboys I had ever met. The girls ask you out or you ask them. Then, you either break up with them or they break up with you."

"That's not new information." said Hisoka boredly. Elliot chuckled a bit.

"I'm sure that Tiny knows about all that." said Elliot.

"Everyone does." said Hisoka. An evil smile appeared on Elliot's face.

"Does she know the reason the girls broke up with you is because you cheated on them with Kara?" said Elliot. Hisoka's eyes widened. Him being a playboy isn't new information. Even so, his fidelity issue is something that Hisoka somehow managed to keep hidden. Especially, from Annabeth. His group of friends knew. Illumi doesn't. Hisoka narrowed his eyes at Elliot. He was no longer bored.

"Are you going to tell her?" asked Hisoka. He wasn't sure how Annabeth would react if she ever found that out. How the way she'd look at him would change forever.

"No," responded Elliot, "She's happy with you. I haven't known her for that long but I do know that she hasn't been this happy in a very long time." Elliot had a bit of a sad look in his eye. Then, he looked at Hisoka with determined eyes. "I'd rather her be happy and with you than her be sad and with me." said Elliot, "If I ever find out that you hurt her, I'll make sure I beat you into a bloody pulp." Elliot let go of Hisoka and went to class. Hisoka stood in the hallway stunned. He hadn't expected Elliot, of all people, to find out about his little issue.Hisoka looked in the direction that Elliot went in.

"That's not me anymore. I'm not going to hurt her like that." Hisoka muttered to himself. He walked back to class and sat next to Annabeth. She still had a bit of a gloomy look in her eye. When she saw him come in, the gloominess disappeared and she smiled genuinely at him.

"Thank you for what you said earlier." Annabeth whispered, "It helped a lot." she blushed a bit. Hisoka couldn't help but smile right back at her. Then, his smile fell. He had a serious look on his face as he turned to look at Elliot, who was already fast asleep on his desk. He thought about Elliot's words. Then, he looked back at Annabeth who was staring out the window again.

"That's right. I won't ever hurt her the way I hurt the other ones." Hisoka thought to himself.

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