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"My mom knows Hisoka is Illumi's friend and..... She invited him to dinner too." Annabeth finally spat out. Elliot's eyes widened.

"Hisoka is coming to your house for dinner as well?" Elliot asked more for himself than to Annabeth. She could see a mix of emotions in his eyes.

"Hey, hey you don't have to interact with him," Annabeth said trying to soothe him. Before Elliot can respond, the waiter came back with a plate of food.

"Sorry, you're waitress is on break right now." the waiter said setting down a plate of food, "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"No. Thank you." Elliot said casually. The waiter smiled and walked off.

"I'll go but I'm keeping an eye on him. I don't trust him around you." Elliot said. Annabeth nodded.

"I understand. They just want to meet you and to catch up with Hisoka. That's all they want. Nothing more." Annabeth explained. Elliot nodded and began to eat.

"Here, have some." Elliot said passing her his fork. Annabeth didn't try to refuse. Casually, she grabbed the fork from Elliot and took a bite of his waffle. "By the way, until my brother leaves, don't come to my house. I don't trust him. You shouldn't either."

"What has he done?" Annabeth asked curiously as she took another bite of the waffle. Elliot looked at Annabeth wondering if he should answer.

"I don't want her thinking I'm just like him. I'm not at all like him." Elliot thought angrily to himself. He sighed out loud and looked at Annabeth tenderly. "He's not afraid to hurt people, to say the least." Elliot said before taking the last bite of his waffle and setting some money on the table and leaving with Annabeth following behind him. Annabeth pulled out her cellphone and found that Illumi had texted her.

I: Already asked Hisoka. He's coming. Talk to Elliot? Text me asap. Mom wants to know if she should set a place for him tomorrow night.

I: btw mom and dad are sleeping in my room. We'll be sharing a room and kalluto will be with kil.

A: ok. Elliot said he's coming. Remember your promise, illu. ( 'ε' )

"I'll drop you off at your house," Elliot said.

"Oh um okay!" Annabeth said. She leaned her head on Elliot's back. His scent of cologne and fresh air radiated off of his body. Annabeth felt a little concerned about how Hisoka and Elliot would react to each other. She didn't want her parents to know about what had happened while they were away.

Meanwhile, Illumi had decided to call Hisoka and tell him about the dinner tomorrow night. Illumi felt a little bad about going behind his sister's back like this.

"There's something off about Elliot. Until I figure it out, I have to do this," Illumi thought to himself as he waited for Hisoka to pick up the phone.

"Hello~ Illumi." Hisoka said slyly, "You never call."

"My parents are in town and they want you to come over for dinner," Illumi said nonchalantly.

"I see~" Hisoka cooed, "I'm to assume Annie will be there as well?"

"Yes. They also invited Elliot," Illumi said masking the excitement for Hisoka's reaction. He could feel Hisoka's anger and bloodlust emitting from the phone.

"They invited that gorilla?" Hisoka asked menacingly.

"Before you go insane, I don't want you trying anything. If you do, I'll kill you myself," Illumi responded in his own menacing tone before hanging up. He turned around to see Killua leaning against his bedroom doorway.

"I can't believe you," Killua said as he shut the door and fully entered Illumi's room, "Do you not remember the pain that bastard put our sister through?"

"Of course I do. I think someone else had a play in it." Illumi said.

"He tried to blame someone else. Why am I not surprised?" Killua said sarcastically.

"He's right to," Illumi shot, "He said Kara spiked his drink at the party." Killua was taken aback. He couldn't tell if Hisoka was grasping at straws or if Kara did take things into her own hands. Both seemed like real possibilities.

"How do you know if Hisoka's actually telling the truth?" Killua questioned.

"When does he ever try to apologize or make things right? He never does even when he's not to blame. I have never seen him act like this. I think Kara Yuki succeeded." Illumi reasoned.

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