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"Listen, I'm having a party this Friday if you wanna come. If it makes you more comfortable, you can bring your brothers" said Elliot with a bit of blush in his cheeks. Annabeth smiled up at him.

"Sure. I'd love to go. What do you think, Kil?" asked Annabeth.

"Nah. Gon and I are going to the arcade. Maybe we'll stop by." said Killua.

"Annabeth Zoldyck, please report to the principal's office immediately." said the loud speaker.

"Why would they want you?" asked Elliot.

"I don't know. I'll catch up with you guys later." said Annabeth as she began to walk off. While she was walking, Illumi ran up to her.

"Anne! What happened? Why do they want you in the principal's office?" asked Illumi frantically.

"I don't know. I'm going there to find out." said Annabeth.

"I'm going with you." said Illumi. When he and Annabeth reached the principal's office, Kara Yuki was leaving. She glared at Annabeth before leaving the office. Annabeth knocked on the door and slowly pushed it open.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Netero?" said Annabeth shyly. She could see Hisoka sitting in one of the other seats. Illumi walked in behind her.

"Ah yes. Please have a seat Miss Zoldyck." said Netero.

"What's this about?" asked Illumi, "Is my sister in trouble?"

"No not at all. In fact, I have good news for your sister." replied Netero. Annabeth looked at Hisoka curiously. Hisoka sat in the chair with a smirk on his face.

"Kara Yuki has been expelled due to her abuse towards student, Annabeth Zoldyck." said Netero. Annabeth was in shock. Her eyes filled with tears.

"She's really gone?" asked Annabeth in a shaky voice. Illumi wrapped his arms around his sister to hug her.

"Yes. She's been banned from school property." said Neteroas he stood up and walked in front of Annabeth. Annabeth jumped up and hugged Netero.

"Thank you, Mr. Netero." said Annabeth.

"Don't thank me, child." said Netero. Annabeth let go of Netero. "Thank Mr. Morou. He's the one who got her admitting to hurting you in a recording." Annabeth turned to Hisoka, who was still wearing a smirk on his face. He was standing up. Annabeth jumped into Hisoka's arms and hugged him tightly.

"I didn't think he'd get this done so fast." Illumi thought to himself.

"Thank you, Hisoka-kun." said Annabeth as she hugged Hisoka tightly. Hisoka gladly hugged her in return.

"Well, that's enough of that." said Netero, "Class is going to start soon." Annabeth nodded and happily left Netero's office with Illumi and Hisoka.

"Oh, Illu! Before I forget, Elliot invited us to a party on Friday! Wanna go?" asked Annabeth excitedly. He's never seen her so excited or happy about anything. He couldn't help but smile at his energetic sister.

"Sure." said Illumi.

"I'm going to find Elliot to tell him the great news." said Annabeth before running off to find Elliot. Hisoka was standing there with Illumi utterly speechless.

"Well, you held up your part. Are you going to ask her? I'd hurry before she gives up on you." said Illumi.

"She likes me?" asked Hisoka. Illumi rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance.

"I don't like it but she does like you. She thinks you don't. So hurry the hell up. I'm sure Elliot likes her." said Illumi before walking off. Hisoka began running through the halls to find Annabeth. However, he had no luck. She was already in class and completely checked out. She was staring out the window again. She was smiling. Hisoka felt his heart melt at the sight of her genuine smile. He looked over at Elliot and he could see him staring at her, completely lovestruck. Hisoka felt his jealousy rise. He walked over to his seat and sat down. Annabeth looked at Hisoka and smiled. There was a bit of blush in her cheeks.

"Annabeth," said Hisoka seriously. Annabeth looked over at him. Hisoka almost never calls her by her name. He always used a nickname. "Would you maybe want to go on a date with me?" asked Hisoka. Annabeth stared at Hisoka in shock. Elliot was too. Elliot hoped that Annabeth would say no. She smiled genuinely at Hisoka. Her blush was more noticeable.

"I'd love to." said Annabeth happily. Hisoka smiled at her. He held her hand under the desk. Hisoka's phone went off. It was a text from Shizuku.

S: It's done

H: Thanks. I owe the three of you. ^_^

S: Don't mention it, Hisoka.

"Is that what you wanted to ask me?" asked Annabeth with a shy smile on her face. Hisoka smiled coyly and nodded. He could feel Elliot's glare at his back. He couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. He got the girl he wanted and he was able to piss off someone he now hated.

"To birds with one stone." Hisoka thought to himself. The bell rang signaling that the school day has come to an end. Elliot came up to Annabeth.

"If you want, you could bring Hisoka too. You guys seem close. Maybe you'd be more comfortable with him there too." said Elliot joyfully. Annabeth nodded.

"Thanks Elliot." said Annabeth happily. Hisoka watched the two converse. He saw her smile up at elliot happily. He felt himself grow jealous again.

"How the hell did he break down her walls so fast?" Hisoka thought to himself, "It took me years to get where I'm at now. He just got back and he did it in a few hours. What the fuck?" Hisoka continued to glare at Elliot. He watched how Annabeth was completely comfortable with him. "Annie-chan, are you coming?" asked Hisoka playfully.

"I'll be right there." said Annabeth.

"It seems like he's got you on a short leash. Anyway, let me give you number and address so you can get to the party." said Elliot as he got out a pen and paper. He scribbled down his address and number and handed it to Annabeth.

"Thank's Elliot. I'll see you later!" said Annabeth as she ran out to meet Hisoka.

"Annabeth, Wait." said Elliot. Annabeth turned around to look at Elliot, "Be careful." he said with a genuine smile on his face. She smiled back at him.

"I will." she said. Annabeth found Hisoka leaning against the lockers outside of the classroom. She felt those butterflies in her belly. Her face turned a bit red. Her shy self had taken over once more. "H-hi Hisoka-kun." she said shyly. Hisoka looked at her and smiled.

"Ready?" he asked. Annabeth nodded. Hisoka took her hand and led her outside to the gates where Illumi was waiting for them. Illumi turned around and saw Hisoka with his sister.

"I take it she said yes?" asked Illumi. Annabeth smiled at him and nodded.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now