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When the firework show ended, Elliot took Annabeth's hand and led her back down the hill. He didn't let go of her hand. He had a smile on his face that wouldn't disappear even if you held a gun to his face. Elliot was on a blissful cloud nine. Annabeth never felt more comfortable around someone other than her family. She loved the feeling of comfort Elliot gave her, the feeling of safety. It was a new amazing feeling she never wanted to lose.

"Maybe I could introduce him to mother and father." Annabeth thought to herself happily, "Well, let's see how things go for now. No need to rush things." While Annabeth was on her own cloud nine, she felt a hand clamp onto her shoulder. She reflexively turned around. Before she could process who it was, Elliot had already pulled her behind him.

"What the hell do you want?" Elliot growled as he slowly reached into his jacket for the revolver he always kept on him. Annabeth quickly realized who it was.

"I'm here for my girlfriend," Hisoka growled in return. A perfectly evil smirk grew onto Elliot's face. As much as he wanted to hold Annabeth why her waist and kiss her roughly, he knew Annabeth was already scared.

"Too little too late," Elliot said as his grip on Annabeth's hand grew just the slightest. Hisoka's eyes widened as he looked down at Annabeth who was peeking from behind Elliot like a scared child.

"Annie, it wasn't my fault. Please, you have to listen to me." Hisoka begged. However, Elliot stood between the two. Feeling mightier than ever.

"She finally got over you. Don't screw that up." Elliot said as he pulled Annabeth behind him. However, Hisoka caught Annabeth's arm. Annabeth felt herself gasp at Hisoka's touch. It felt forceful, needy, terrifying.

"I'm not letting you go," Hisoka said to Annabeth as he stared her in the eyes, "I was-" Hisoka was cut off by Elliot punching him in the face. Hisoka was sent flying seven feet away from them.

"Come on, Tiny," Elliot said as he glared at Hisoka. He put his hands on Annabeth's shoulder and guided her away from Hisoka and into the crowd that was exiting the fair. Elliot and Annabeth found her brothers in the parking lot.

"There you are," Illumi said casually as if nothing ever occurred.

"Did you guys see the fireworks?!" Killua said happily. Before Killua could even continue, he noticed the grip Elliot had on Annabeth. Killua smiled at the two. "You actually went for it?" Killua asked Elliot. Killua's smile got even bigger when he saw Elliot's face turn red.

"So what if I did?" Elliot muttered as he continued to blush.

"You knew what he was going to do?" Annabeth said in a rather shocked tone as she pulled Killua's cheek as he laughed at her reaction. The only person who wasn't all smiles was Illumi. While his sister and brother toyed with each other like little children, he approached Elliot.

"I want you to know that I made the mistake of seeing Hisoka as my best friend instead of my sister's boyfriend. I let him out of my sight. I won't make the same mistake with you. Killua or I will not tolerate her getting hurt again." Illumi said as he glared daggers at Elliot.

"I've already been warned by Kil. I promise I'm nothing like Hisoka." Elliot said as he held his head high. Illumi walked away from Elliot back to his siblings. Elliot was only half of the worry that Illumi held. He was still worried that it was far too soon for his sister to let someone back in again.

"Come on, you two, " Illumi said as he unlocked his car, "Let's get going." Annabeth waved at Elliot just before she got in the car and drove off with Illumi and Killua. Elliot smiled as he sheepishly waved back at the car. He couldn't help but smile knowing that he was able to get Annabeth's heart. Elliot couldn't stop smiling the entire time he drove back to his home. When he got home, he realized that his door was unlocked. As if trained, Elliot pulled out his gun and slowly opened the door.

"Who the hell is in here?!" Elliot yelled throughout the house.

"Calm down before you hurt yourself," Elliot heard. He recognized the voice. It was a voice that he had hoped he'd never have to hear again. Elliot turned on the light to reveal the intruder sitting on the couch.

"Why are you here, Stephen?" Elliot asked in a guarded tone. He didn't put his gun away. Elliot kept his gun with the finger on the trigger.

"I can't visit my baby brother?" Stephen said with a cocky smile on his face. Stephen was roughly the same height as Elliot. He had light brown hair with the same blue eyes as Elliot. However, Stephen's skin was a tad dark. Not to mention, Stephen was far more dangerous and brutal than Elliot. "Besides, I've heard a rumor that you got yourself a little girlfriend." Stephen mused with an evil tint in his eye, "I'd like to meet her." Elliot quickly pointed the gun back at Stephen. However, Stephen only laughed and stood from the couch and walked closer to his brother. "Like you'd have the balls to shoot me." Stephen said as he walked up to the stairs, "I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning, baby brother."

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