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"I think Kara Yuki succeeded." Illumi reasoned. Killua paused. He wasn't sure what to say. Illumi did make real and accurate points.

"What do you think we should do about Anne, then? She's completely over Hisoka. Not to mention, Elliot always made sure she was safe. Personally, I think she's better off with Elliot. When she was with Hisoka, her getting bullied was worse. Now that she's with Elliot, no one has bothered her in the slightest." Killua reasoned, "What is it your trying to accomplish?"

"I've heard the name Carpenter before but I can't put my finger on it. I get a bad feeling from it. I at least want to get mom and dad's opinion on it," Illumi answered.

"You're going to get their opinion tomorrow night. During dinner. In front of everyone especially Annabeth. Did I guess wrong?" Killua said accusingly.

"Look, if our parents object, in front of Annabeth, she won't be able to argue with them," Illumi said revealing his cards to his little brother. Killua shook his head in disapproval.

"I don't like this," Killua grumbled, "I'm not going to play any part in this. You realize, if this fails, she'll never trust you again, right?" Illumi nodded.

"I know. I really think something is up with Elliot," Illumi said, "I can feel it in my gut. I can't shake the feeling."

Hisoka was sitting on his couch reading a book when he heard a knock on the door.

"Who the hell is that?" He thought to himself. Hisoka stood up and walked to the door. When he tried looking through the peephole, he couldn't see out of it. He sighed and opened the door to see Kara Yuki standing before him. Hisoka narrowed his eyes in disgust. "Why the hell are you here?" Hisoka growled making sure to use his body as a shield to prevent Kara from coming inside.

"Well, I heard you and anna-bitch broke up. So I came to see if you wanted to have some fun~" She replied in a sultry, seductive voice. Hisoka rolled his eyes.

"Leave or I'm calling the police. I don't want you. Especially after that little stunt you pulled at the party," Hisoka hissed. His bloodlust began to ooze from his eyes. Kara couldn't help but blush at the cold look he was giving her. She swooned at his cold, unforgiving stare.

"I've always loved it when you gave me that cold look. It's sexy," Kara said as she wrapped hands around his neck. She got on her tippy toes and whispered in Hisoka's ear. His eyes widened as he shook his head in disbelief. Kara let out a small chuckle as she let go of Hisoka. She left Hisoka's apartment and went to a different house. She knocked on the door and waited for him. He was her object of interest when she wasn't with Hisoka. Stephen opened the door to see Kara standing.

"Hey, baby." Kara said as she planted her lips on Stephen, "Why didn't you tell me you were back?"

"I just got back," Stephen answered before letting out an evil chuckle, "Wanna go up stairs?" Kara couldn't help but giggle at Stephen. She loved the dangerous, cold, aura that surrounded him. She also loved how she could have him wrapped around her finger with ease should the need arise. Hisoka was a fun obsession but Stephen had her in more ways than anyone could imagine.

"I have something to tell you first," Kara said a little nervously. Stephen sighed annoyingly.

"Let me guess. You're done with me and going back to that other guy with the pink hair?" Stephen said coldly. Kara laughed out loud.

"Funny. No. I'm late." Kara spat out. Stephen looked at Kara with his eyes widened.

"Well, what are you planning?" Stephen asked.

"I plan on ruining a certain little tramp's life," Kara said smirking, "I also came here to take the test."

"If you are, how am I going to know it's mine? I know you banged that other guy just as much as me." Stephen said accusingly. Kara let out another chuckle.

"If it's his I'll get rid of it. If it's yours, you'll be stuck with me for a long while," Kara said winking at Stephen. A smile curled onto Stephen's face.

"You're just as evil as I am. It turns me on," Stephen cooed.

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