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~Present time~

Annabeth jogged down the stairs. It was nine forty five at night. She snuck down the stairs fully dressed and out the door. She looked at her phone and searched the address that had been sent to her.

"It doesn't seem very far from here," Annabeth noted, "It says it's a ten minute walk," Annabeth looks at the house, hoping to god that Illumi doesn't wake up. She turned away form the house and followed the directions on her phone. Ten minutes pass and Annabeth finds the Dubson house. The door is cracked. The sound of people clamoring and laughing could be heard from outside. Annabeth slips inside to see the house is filled with smoke. She quickly plugged her nose repulsed by the stench of burning drugs.

"What is this place?" Annabeth thought to herself, "Elliot said to meet him here but why here of all places?" Annabeth walked through the house trying to find Elliot. There were multiple rooms, all of which had their doors cracked. Annabeth peeked inside finding a multitude of scenarios that she wouldn't have imagined. All of which included drugs and acts Annabeth could only wish to erase from her mind. Exiting one of the rooms, was a familiar face.

"Uvogin?" Annabeth asked.

"You?! Why are you here?!" Uvogin exclaimed quickly looking at his watch seeing it was only a minute before ten. "You need to get out of here now!"

"But why-" Annabeth was interrupted by the sound of the door getting kicked down and the sound of gunshots ringing through the halls.

"Shit- Get down!" Uvogin yelled as he put Annabeth in a corner and shielded her with his body. The sound of people's pained and dying shrieks filled the house.

"W-what's happening?" Annabeth yelped through the sounds of gunshots. She looked up at Uvogin. Her eyes widened and filled with horror as Annabeth watched blood drip from Uvogin's mouth. Blood painted Uvogin's shirt turning his white tank top to a deep red. His breath hitched as he gasped for breaths. Tears ran down Annabeth's face. She covered her mouth to keep herself from screaming. Uvogin's arms and legs buckled underneath him causing him to fall onto Annabeth, completely concealing her tiny body.

"P-play dead," Uvogin muttered to Annabeth just as he took his last breath. Tears poured from Annabeth's eyes. The sounds of screams ceased as well as the gunshots. The sounds of police sirens could be heard in the distance.

"Are they all dead?" Annabeth perked up recognizing the voice. She peeked from underneath Uvogin's lifeless body, praying it
wasn't who she thought it was.

"I'll check the rooms," Someone else spoke. Annabeth's eyes further widened seeing Elliot and Stephen walking through the house, stepping over all the dead bodies. Annabeth could hear a pair of footsteps coming closer towards her. Annabeth kept her mouth covered to keep her whimpers and cries as quiet as possible. She remained motionless underneath Uvogin.

"Hey, El!" Stephen called out, "I got him."

"Got who?" Elliot asked, stepping back into the living room, finding Uvogin dead at Stephen's feet. "YOU KILLED ONE OF THEIR MEMBERS?!?!" He shouted, "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!"

"Lucilfer shouldn't have sent him," Stephen said coldly, "They said kill everyone in the house so that's what we did,"

"He's going to kill us!" Elliot continued. The sound of police sirens echoed in the distance.

"Forget about that now, we gotta go," Stephen said as he ran out the door with Elliot behind him. Hearing the door shut, Annabeth squirmed underneath trying to free herself. The sirens grew louder, meaning closer. Annabeth finally freed herself and raced out the back door. She hopped over the fence and ran as far and as fast as she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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