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Hello everyone. I began writing this while I had a writers block for another story. Don't worry. I'll be sure to update this one when I can. I hope you all enjoy. I love you all.

-Rara <3


It was a bright and sunny morning. Annabeth Zoldyck is the twin sister of Illumi Zoldyck. The Zoldycks were a very well known for their business with the government. They were almost always out of the country. The parents, Silva and Kikiyo left a small house for Illumi, Annabeth, and Killua to live in until all three of them have completed high school. Illumi and Annabeth were juniors while Killua was a freshman. Kalluto is always with Kikiyo and Silva. Milluki had entered college early and lives on campus. Alluka lives with her grandfather, Zeno Zoldyck. Annabeth was asleep in her room when she was awoken by Illumi shaking her awake.

"Wake up, Annabeth. We're going to be late." said Illumi, "I already made our lunches and Killua left early."

"Okay." yawned Annabeth, "I'm coming." Annabeth is a shy girl. She doesn't talk to many people. At school, she is a very quiet but smart girl. She's fine around Illumi and Killua. The only other person she's not as shy with is Illumi's best friend, Hisoka Morou. Hisoka is in the same class as Annabeth. When they first met, Annabeth didn't know that Hisoka was Illumi's friend. It was the beginning of the freshman school year. Annabeth walked into class 3-B. She sat down in the back row corner that was next to the window. Usually, she sits by herself. She was fine that way. In fact, she came to enjoy her loneliness during class. That day, a boy with bright pink hair sat next to her.

"Hello~" said the boy.

"Um hi." Annabeth said softly and shyly.

"My my~ someone is shy." he replied. Annbeth decided to ignore the boy. "Well, my name is Hisoka Morou. Might I ask yours, deary?"

"Annabeth Zoldyck." she replied.

"How interesting." said Hisoka with an amused smile on his face. Annabeth looked out the window to mind her own business. Since that day, Hisoka was always calling out to Annabeth and hanging out with her when he could. She didn't know he was Illumi's friend until Hisoka decided to walk with the twins to school.

"You two know each other?" asked Illumi. Annabeth nodded.

"Yes. I sit next to her in class." said Hisoka as he licked his lips. Illumi grabbed his sister's shoulders and moved her away from Hisoka protectively. Since the day they met to the present, he would try to wear her walls down little by little.

Hisoka lives by himself, down the street from Illumi and Annabeth. They would walk to school together. This morning, Illumi and Annabeth were running late.

"Someone's late." said Hisoka in a teasing voice.

"It's my fault. Sorry, Hisoka-kun." Annabeth said quietly.

"One day I'll get you to warm up to me." said Hisoka with a smile on his face. Illumi glared at Hisoka before standing between them.

"Come on. We're already late enough as it is." said Illumi as he walked in between the two. They barely made it to school on time. Annabeth sat in her usual seat as Hisoka did his. Annabeth stared out the window for most of the time during class. Soon the lunch bell rang. Annabeth was the last one in the classroom. She was getting her lunch from her bag. She was walking in the halls when she heard,

"Annie~" Annabeth turned around to see Hisoka waving and smiling like a loon. He walked up to her.
"There's a few people I'd like you to meet." he said as he ushered Annabeth to his little group of friends. "This is Chrollo, his girlfriend Machi, Feitan, Phinks, Pakunoda, Nobunaga, Shalnark, Shizuku, and Uvogin. This is my friend Annabeth." said Hisoka. Annabeth felt her brain freeze.

"S-so many people." She thought to herself, "H-hello. My name is Annabeth. It's nice to meet you all." she said quietly.

"She is just the cutest thing." squealed Pakunoda before going up to Annabeth and giving her a hug. Annabeth is a rather short girl. Her head landed right in Pakunoda's breasts. Annabeth felt her face turn extremely red. She found it hard to breathe.

"This is it." Annabeth thought to herself, "I'm going to suffocate to death."

"Paku, you're suffocating the poor girl." said Shalnark. Pakunoda looked down and saw Annabeth's red ears. She quickly let go of Annabeth. Annabeth began taking deep breaths.

"Sorry," she said while rubbing the back of her head, "I couldn't help myself."

"That's okay." Annabeth said quietly, "I'm going to go eat." she said quietly before awkwardly shuffling away. "I don't think I'd be able to handle a group of friends if that's what they're like." Annabeth thought to herself as she continued to walk away.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now