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The next morning, Illumi was trying to wake up Annabeth.

"Annabeth. Annabeth, you gotta get up. We still have school." said Illumi as he shook Annabeth. Annabeth began to open her eyes.

"Illumi?" Annabeth said a bit groggily, "What are you doing?"

"Idiot. Did you forget we still have school?" said Illumi a bit annoyingly.

"Oh right." said Annabeth as she pushed herself out of bed.

"You didn't change last night?" asked Illumi as he noticed that Annabeth was still wearing the same clothes from last night.

"No. I was too tired. I'll be down in a bit." said Annabeth as she began changing.

"Don't take too long or you won't have time to eat." said Illumi as he walked out of Annabeth's room. Annabeth hurriedly got dressed and went down stairs with a pastry hanging her mouth.

"Morning." said Annabeth happily. Illumi looked at Annabeth to see the pastry she was eating before breakfast.

"How many times do I have to tell you, no pastries before breakfast." said Illumi before taking the pastry from Annabeth's mouth. Annabeth stared at Illumi in shock as he took a bite of her pastry.

"Hey! Give it back!" she yelled as she tried jumping to grab her pastry. Due to her small size, Illumi could easily hold it up to keep it out of her reach. "Illumi! Give me my sweets back!" yelled Annabeth as she continued to try to get the pastry back from Illumi.

"Hey, Kil! You wanna bite? It's good." said Illumi while keeping the pastry high enough so Annabeth couldn't reach it.

"Sure." said Killua as he opened his hands to catch the pastry Illumi tossed the pastry to Killua.

"Guys, give me my food back!" yelled Annabeth. Killua ate the last of her pastry. Annabeth was chasing Killua around the house while Illumi heard a knock at the door. Illumi went to answer the door and it was Hisoka and Pakunoda.

"Hi, Illumi-chan~!" said Hisoka as h walked in the door. A vein popped out of Illumi's forehead.

"You should wait to be invited in before you come in." said Illumi.

"But the you wouldn't have invited me in." said Hisoka as he smirked. Illumi sighed in annoyance. Pakunoda giggled a bit at seeing their interactions. She put her hand on Illumi's shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"Didn't forget about me, did you?" asked Pakunoda as she smiled up at Illumi. Illumi returned her smile and kissed her head.

"Of course not." he said gently. Illumi could feel three sets of eyes on him and Pakunoda. He slowly turned his head to see Annabeth, Killua, and Hisoka smirking at him. Illumi's face turned extremely red. "You're all idiots. Come on. We're going to be late for school." said Illumi as he took Pakunoda's hand and led her out of the house. Annabeth giggled a bit. Then, she felt a hand snake around her waist. Hisoka pulled her into his chest. Annabeth felt her face turn red again.

"Did you forget about me, deary?" asked Hisoka teasingly. Annabeth laughed a bit nervously and shook her head. HIsoka smiled down at her and led her out of the house by her hand. Killua smiled at the two of them and followed behind Annabeth. When they got to school, Kara Yuki was across the street from the school, waiting for Hisoka to show up. She was about to go up to talk to him when she saw Hisoka holding hands with Annabeth. Kara's anger began to fill her entire body. She quickly called up her two friends, Rayla and Carmen.

"Kara?" said Rayla, "Where the hell are you?"

"I got expelled, you dumb bitch, remember? What the fuck is Hisoka doing with that little slut?" Kara yelled into the phone.

"The same day you got expelled, Hisoka asked her out." said Carmen.

"Are you fucking serious?" said Kara.

"Hey, there's a party at this guys house on friday." said Rayla, "You wanna go? I know Hisoka and Annabeth are going to be there." Suddenly, an ingenious idea crawled its way into Kara's scheming mind.

"Sure. Send me the details." said Kara as she hung up. She smiled evilly. "Enjoy him while you can, Annabeth because by the end of this week, Hisoka will be mine again." She turned on her heel and went back home

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now