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"This is your only warning. I'm not afraid to hurt you or that little girlfriend of yours," Stephen hissed before leaving Elliot in the garage. Elliot's brow furrowed. His eyes narrowed and his hands turned to fists. His nostrils flared and his breaths turned to huffs. His legs carried him to Stephen. He dropped his fists and gently placed a hand on Stephen's shoulders. Stephen stopped and rolled his eyes. He turned around to speak. However, Elliot's fist made contact with his nose. Stephen grunted as he hit the ground. Reflexively, Stephen covered his nose. He moved his hand to see drops of blood on his hand. He seethed in pain as he looked up to see Elliot's glare.

"You will never touch her. I'll kill you before I let you lay a finger on her. This is YOUR only warning," Elliot growled as he moved towards Stephen and kicked him. Stephen began laughing as he stood up. He wiped the blood off his nose.

"We're doing this now, huh?" Stephen said arrogantly and he put his fists up. Elliot's glare showed no mercy.

"Now now boys. You can at least do this outside the house," Kara said as she walked down the stairs in a bathrobe. Elliot rolled his eyes.

"Oh, God. Why the hell are you here?" Elliot groaned. Kara shrugged carelessly.

"I came to fuck your brother," Kara responded easily before turning to Stephen, "I need to talk to you." Stephen glared at Elliot before turning to Kara up the stairs. He followed Kara to his room. She shut the door behind him.

"What is it?" Stephen asked, eager to go back down the stairs and fight Elliot.

"I'm pregnant," Kara said casually. Stephen's eyes widened for a short time before returning back to normal. He sat on the bed and folded his arms.

"What's the plan then?" Stephen asked looking to Kara for an answer.

"Just like I already said. I'm going to take a DNA test. If it's yours I'm keeping it. If it's Hisoka's, I'm not keeping it. Either way, I can torment him and Anna-bitch," Kara said smiling evilly.

"Alright," Stephen said, "I'll follow you all the way to hell." Kara giggled as she wrapped her arms around Stephen's neck.

"Down to hell we go," Kara said before kissing Stephen. Stephen pushed himself off of Kara and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Kara asked curiously.

"To teach my idiot brother a lesson." Stephen said with his own evil smile, "Besides I didn't come back just to have fun. I have some business to take care of." Stephen shut the door behind him and walked downstairs to find Elliot eating a sandwich on the couch.

"Did you make me one?" Stephen asked.

"What? No. Make your own damn sandwich," Elliot barked.

"Easy. Before I forget, I'm here on business. Lucilfer needs some heads rolling," Stephen said plopping on the couch next to Elliot.

"Tell Lucilfer to fuck off. I'm not helping him anymore," Elliot said taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Did your brain turn to mush? We're indebted to him. You can say fuck off but he won't hesitate to kill us. You've seen the group he surrounded himself with. They could have us dead, buried, and forgotten before we know what hit us." Stephen said taking Elliot's sandwich.

"Who do we have to knock off?" Elliot asked.

"Just a house that went out of his control," Stephen answered eating Elliot's sandwich.

"How many people?"

"Whoever's unlucky enough to be inside," Stephen said smirking with his cheeks filled with Elliot's sandwich. Elliot nodded as he stood up.

"Tell me when you're leaving and I'll be behind you," Elliot said coldly before going up to his room. Stephen smiled menacingly.

"Now I'll just make sure a certain girl is at the house," Stephen thought to himself, "He cares about her thoughts on him. He doesn't want her to see the real him. My little brother is just as awful as I am. I'll do her the favor of seeing who she's really involved with."

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