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Meanwhile, Annabeth was having lunch with her father. She sat across the table from him at a small restaurant, munching on a sandwich.

"So tell me about Elliot. I'd like to know the kind of person my daughter has taken a liking to." Silva said as he took a sip of water.

"He's very kind to me. He's protected me against bullies at school and he always tries to keep me smiling." Annabeth chirped.

"I look forward to meeting him tomorrow night," Silva said smiling at his eldest daughter.

"How has Kalluto been? I haven't seen him in a while. I miss my little brother." Annabeth said.

"He's been very useful to your mother and me on our trips. He still has trouble waking up in the morning. Your mother refuses to give him coffee. She says he's still too young. From what I saw at breakfast, you think otherwise," Silva said causing Annabeth to chuckle nervously.

"You saw that huh?" Annabeth said not hiding her guilt, "It's not like I forced it down his throat. He wanted some."

"No need to defend yourself. I wish your mother would give him a small cup of it in the morning. It'll keep him from dozing off during the day," Silva said as he finished his plate.

At the Carpenter household, Stephen's phone rang, waking him from a nap.

"What?" Stephen answered without seeing who was calling.

"It's Lucilfer. There's been a change of plans. Uvogin is going to oversee the house and it needs to happen the day," Chrollo said without wasting a breath.

"Alright," Stephen said as he hung up the phone. Before he could fall back asleep, he heard Elliot pull his bike into the garage. Stephen hopped out of bed and jogged down the stairs to greet his little brother.

"I just got off the phone with Lucilfer. There's been a change of plans." Stephen said. Elliot took his helmet off and tilted his head.

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked.

"Uvogin is going to oversee everything and we're going the day after tomorrow," Stephen said.

"Why'd he change his plans?" Elliot questioned. Stephen shrugged before walking back upstairs to his room. Elliot shrugged it off. He felt quite relieved knowing that Hisoka wouldn't be involved with his business. The last thing he wanted was Hisoka telling Annabeth what he has to do in order to make a life for himself.

The next day, Annabeth scurried off to school early with Killua. She still wasn't in the mood for talking to Illumi and she didn't exactly want to walk or talk with Hisoka. She got there early and immediately went to the roof before class. She was surprised to see Uvogin up there smoking. He turned around hearing the door open.

"I remember you," Uvogin said putting out his cigarette, "You're Annabelle, right? Illumi's sister?"

"Close," Annabeth said feeling less shy for whatever reason, "Annabeth. Just call me Anne if it's easier to remember." Uvogin nodded.

"I never see you at school this early. Why the change?" Uvogin asked curiously.

"My brother and I got in a little spat. We're not talking at the moment," Annabeth answered coldly as she leaned on the chain-link fence that went around the roof.

"I think you're lucky to have siblings to fight with," Uvogin said noticing the angry look in her eye at the mention of Illumi.

"You're an only child?" Annabeth asked in a lighter tone.

"Pretty much. No parents. No siblings. Just me," Uvogin said looking down at Annabeth, "I'm staying with a few friends. We get by pretty easily."

"I have five siblings. It's not always a party," Annabeth said bitingly.

"At least you have a family to look out for you," Uvogin said as he began walking towards the door to head back downstairs, "I'll leave you to your thoughts. Nice talking with you." Annabeth watched as Uvogin disappeared behind the door.

"I guess I am pretty lucky considering the brothers I have." Annabeth thought to herself. The thought of being alone with no family danced in her mind. The more it danced, the more she hated the idea. Annabeth looked down at the schoolyard from the roof. She could see Illumi walking through the gates with Hisoka. She watched Hisoka leave Illumi alone. Annabeth took the opportunity to run downstairs to her twin. She found Illumi walking in an empty hall to get to his class.

"Illumi!" Annabeth shouted to get his attention before bolting straight towards him.

"Anne?" Illumi said before getting swallowed in a hug from his sister. "What's gotten into you?" he chuckled as he hugged her back.

"Nothing. I just felt like giving you a hug. Don't read too much into it," Annabeth said without letting go of Illumi.

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