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The weekend of the carnival arrived quickly. Annabeth and Hisoka hadn't spoken since her angry yelling a week ago. Annabeth was feeling happier since she let everything out. It was something she hadn't done in years. She felt amazing. Like all the bad energy was gone. Annabeth was getting dressed for the carnival. She wore her long hair up in a bun with a hairpin her father gave her years ago when Illumi, Annabeth, and their parents would all go. Annabeth was happily wearing the pin in her hair. She went down to the living room where her brothers were waiting.

"Finally!" Killua said, "We've been waiting forever!" Annabeth couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Sorry," Annabeth said while maintaining her old, genuine smile. Illumi looked over and saw her hair pinned up with the hairpin their father gave her.

"I remember that pin. Father gave it to you. He said 'A pretty flower, for his pretty daughter'" Illumi said. Annabeth smiled and nodded. Killua rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Can we go now?" Killua whined.

"Yes," Illumi said, "Elliot is meeting us there, right?"

"Right," Annabeth said happily. The three siblings all went to Illumi's car and drove off to the carnival. Killua sat up front with Illumi. Annabeth was happy to see the two talking again. When they arrived at the carnival, Annabeth could hardly contain her excitement. There were so many booths and rides that had already caught her interest. They hadn't even entered the gates yet. Illumi couldn't remember the last time he saw his sister this happy. A motorcycle pulled up right next to them. Annabeth recognized the bike instantly. "Hi, Elliot!" Annabeth said as she walked up to him. Elliot took off his helmet and quickly found himself in a daze. Annabeth looked beautiful. Illumio took notice of Elliot's daze. He didn't want to see his sister hurt like that again. He gave his trust to the wrong person. His best friend of all people. However, Illumi knew that whenever he wasn't around to protect Annabeth, Elliot was. More than Hisoka ever did. That didn't change the fact that Illumi was going to keep a closer eye on Elliot.

"You ok, Ell?" Killua asked. Elliot shook his head to wake him from the daze and nodded.

"Yeah, " He said happily, "Hey, Illumi." Illumi waved back.

"Come on!" Annabeth said as she grabbed Illumi's hand and pulled him inside the carnival, leaving Killua and Elliot alone.

"She seems to be feeling better," Elliot noted as he smiled.

"Probably, because she let everything out on you and Hisoka." Killua added, "It's been a long time since she's smiled like that. If you want to try, no one is going to stop you. However," Killua stopped and showed Elliot a dark and murderous glare, "We won't tolerate anyone hurting her the way he has again." Elliot froze in shock. He's never seen Killua look at him like that.

"They've certainly gotten a lot more protective of her since Hisoka." Elliot thought to himself as he walked with the siblings into the carnival.

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